What are you doing with homebrew today?

Turned up the refrigerator to 80 degrees for the Saison free rise. The krausen came down some, but still there tonight. I guess that is a good sign. I glad the OG was only 1.050 as I have a feeling this might attenuate.
I used two packets of WLP 565, and that damn thing took off like a rocket. I came home from having a couple of beers after it had only been in the fermenter for 4 hours, and it already had very noticeable activity. I'm glad I bought the 1" blow off tube.
Note to others brewing anything Belgian, buy the blow off tube for the stopper.
I never use an airlock, only blowoff tube. Saved my bacon more than once.
You seem to like Hefes too. My understanding is that those also get a little active.
They can. Since we want esters, we stress the yeast with a warmer fermentation - and those tend to be more active, sometimes.

But it is simply more about my setup: I have a 1-1/2" Tri clamp fitting at the top of the fermenter, and a barb fitting goes better there than an airlock. And the blowoff is not as tall, so it fits in the ferm fridge.

It is an airlock: the bottom of the hose sits in StarSan, but just a few millimeters in, so if there is suck back, it cannot draw enough liquid up to make it into the fermenter.
Just got home from the Craft Brewer's Conference in Nashville. Here's the swag and hop samples I collected at the trade show. Came home with around 2.4 lbs of free hops
Just got home from the Craft Brewer's Conference in Nashville. Here's the swag and hop samples I collected at the trade show. Came home with around 2.4 lbs of free hops
View attachment 25368
Holly wackamolly that's awesome Sunfire

Nectaron hops awww
Ohh I see you got some Cyo pop hops their tasty that's in my pale ale ATM and oh boy oh boy tis hard to say no on a school night:D.

You done good girl!
I added the dry hops charge to my AC Pale Ale - 24 grams Azacca and 16 grams Citra in 2.5 gallons. Planning to bottle the batch on Monday, which means I’ll have 2 fermenters free. Might be time to make some Beach Brew.
That's a good whack of hops.

Beach brew intreaged there herm...
That’s my personal rule
I need a whole lotta beer to catch up with the water, then. In the past two days I've poured at least 5 gallons of water through me doing some rough cut yard work. And it ain't even hot yet. Then again, a couple of AndyGator's did a pretty good job. Wouldn't wanna have many of those on an empty stomach. WOW that stuff's strong, and as advertised, will sneak up on ya like a gator. Tasty, though.
Checked on my Frankenbeer III repeat. Lotsa chunky bits settling out, bubbler doing what bubblers do, and set the temp to 18C. Didn't wanna kick off yesterday, so I bumped it to 22C. SO5 has a temp range up to 25C(according to the packet), so I wasn't gonna go over that. Despite the sludge I separated with Whirlfloc, this one's gonna have some pretty serious trub by the time it settles out. May have to empty the sediment bulb twice.

This one started out really high at 1.052. Probably should have put a gallon or so water back in it because I'm not sure that one packet of SO5 is gonna do that conversion. Big ol' chunky lookin' globs of yeast moving around in the tank though. We'll see. This one always looks a little strange when it's mid-ferment. Gonna let 'er rip until it clears up some, clean out the sediment bulb, then drop the temp down to 12 degrees for a week, then another week at 6C. Should clear up nicely.
Closed loop gravity transfer I am impressed!
How longs transfer take there Marlon?
Didn't really time it but prob 20 minutes , maybe half hour . Sometimes it plugs up when I am not paying attention. Just have to give the bottom line a squeeze to clear.
