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ya for sure. if i slow it down, my glycol would drop it into the 40f. I can knock at 55 at a fairly quick pace. or not use the glycol and restrict my street water and transfer really quick at 96-104f. It is a balancing act between flow rates. i have a digital temp probe on the outlet of the heat ex so that i know my temps fairly accurately.

I have a Variable speed controller on my pump. I use a ball valve on the outflow of the glycol that has a gauge on it to show % open. My hose has a ball valve on it.
do you know your max flow rate of your pump? or can you advise me what to buy?
80-90 liters per minute its a legit number?
i will use 1 pump for recirculation, transfer from mash to kettle , wirlpool, and transfer to Unitanks
i'm talking about max speed, ofcours will controll speed as demand
You adjust the outlet temperature of wort by controlling the wort pump?
Can you hit the pitching temperature directly? Even to a lager?
I do the same thing with my homebrew set up. I always recirculate the wort through the plate chiller (groundwater) for 5 or 10 minutes to get it down in the 120F range and then start running it out and into the fermenter. If I run it full blast, it'll only cool to 90F or so. If I slow down a little, I can hit low to mid 80s. If I trickle it through, I can get it down to mid 70s but only in the winter when my ground water is fairly cool. When I've used my big boil pot and turned my HERMS tube into an ice bath to run the wort through, I can cool down to 50F (as long as I'm willing to use plenty of ice). :)
Flow rate is the key with any cooling system.
I don't recirc the wort through the chiller just Yolo straight to the tank.
does that chiller ever get pugged up with hops, mine did and I switched
Naw I cip backwards through it every brew. Full cycle in the loop with the tank. Not optimal, but it is what I have right now. The heat ex hits >180f atleast twice during the cip and caustic spins at >160f

I also use almost exclusively cryo hops so minimal plant material
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I dont do pressure fermentation or filtration/finings, but i do over pitch significantly. I should bite the bullet and get a pressure thingy(name is escaping me). temp control is very important.

i pitch 250g of apex munich lager yeast into 2bbls of beer. ferment it around 62-64f. Wait for repeating gravs or i cap(when i catch it at the right time) it and wait till it no longer rises in pressure. i also give it 20g of yeast X and 1LPM of O2 for the first knockout. Second does not get o2.

When i have time, i will leave it cold and carbonated for as long as is possible, but i rarely have time. I also dont transfer it off the yeast, because i loose too much volume.
I was thinking about that and can't understand, or i calculate something wrong
250 g for 2bbl (320 liters) is not over pitch,
Actually I'm making the wrong question, how many litres are 2bbl? Online calculator says 320 liters
1 bbl =120 liters

Your calculator here is set for almost 3 bbl.
The amount of yeast you have listed is correct for 240 liters/ 2bbl.
another question , what about starter ? my calgulations for a recipe 500 liters pitching rate 1 million cells / ml / degree plato ( acording to palmers book)
i need 620 grams of dry yeast, this cost me more than 60€
the starter for this is very big, do breweries making starters for those big batches? if i want to use 300 grams and dooble it i need to do a starter 25 liters, with strir plate!
I'm planing to reuse yeast for about 4-6 batches colecting it to yeast brink, so if i need starter i need it only for 1st use
whats your advise for this
another question , what about starter ? my calgulations for a recipe 500 liters pitching rate 1 million cells / ml / degree plato ( acording to palmers book)
i need 620 grams of dry yeast, this cost me more than 60€
the starter for this is very big, do breweries making starters for those big batches? if i want to use 300 grams and dooble it i need to do a starter 25 liters, with strir plate!
I'm planing to reuse yeast for about 4-6 batches colecting it to yeast brink, so if i need starter i need it only for 1st use
whats your advise for this
So our normal brew schedule was a 2 brews In one day filling a 60bbl tank.

If we had todo a starter(either new yeast(we bought 30bbl starters >$1000 10 years ago), or if the cell count was low and we didn't have a choice).

We would brew a 30bbl batch one day and then the next day brew another 30bbl to fill the 60.

You are brewing roughly twice the volume I am. I would try pitching 1 block of dry yeast and see how it goes.

I initially was re pitching yeast. It is a pain in the ass and requires alot of planning. I found that my fermentations were far faster and more consistent with the fresh yeast.

the total cost of the yeast per batch is pretty cheap. Especially compared to the added efficiency and clean ferment.

Just my 2 cents.
So our normal brew schedule was a 2 brews In one day filling a 60bbl tank.

If we had todo a starter(either new yeast(we bought 30bbl starters >$1000 10 years ago), or if the cell count was low and we didn't have a choice).

We would brew a 30bbl batch one day and then the next day brew another 30bbl to fill the 60.

You are brewing roughly twice the volume I am. I would try pitching 1 block of dry yeast and see how it goes.

I initially was re pitching yeast. It is a pain in the ass and requires alot of planning. I found that my fermentations were far faster and more consistent with the fresh yeast.

the total cost of the yeast per batch is pretty cheap. Especially compared to the added efficiency and clean ferment.

Just my 2 cents.
i'm trying to get cost as low as posible, i will sure reuse yeast!
So let me undertand this, you brew a batch of 30 bbl , same day pitching yeast, and after 24 hours you throw inside same vessel the second batch of 30bbl
what's the profit of that? Using the first wort as a ''big starter''? you aerate it more than usual for this purpose?
this method sounds very intresting

In general speaking almost avery day last year espesialy in the begining i learn something new that in my mind ''change everythig''
tha's why i love this thing suprise me every day , there are so many things around this proces !
i'm trying to get cost as low as posible, i will sure reuse yeast!
I actually save money by not reusing because I have faster ferments and I am not limited in what I can brew by what yeast I have.

i still ended up dumping a ton of yeast down thr drain. That was too old.

To reuse yeast on a large scale yiu really need to do cell counts and be on top of your game. And brewing constantly. Or your yeaat will get old and be trash.
So let me undertand this, you brew a batch of 30 bbl , same day pitching yeast, and after 24 hours you throw inside same vessel the second batch of 30bbl
Yep first batch props up the yeast and to give us enough cells for the second batch.
what's the profit of that? Using the first wort as a ''big starter''? you aerate it more than usual for this purpose?
this method sounds very intresting
I don't remember if we pushed o2 on the second batch...probably not.

We did that because our yeast volumes were so expensive at that scale. We also had a full Lab and a lab guy who did our cell counts.
In general speaking almost avery day last year espesialy in the begining i learn something new that in my mind ''change everythig''
tha's why i love this thing suprise me every day , there are so many things around this proces !

I don't repitch because I get much better fermentations from new yeast. Fast stronger cleaner. The yeast that I use (APEX) is really cheap.

I have the background and knowledge to prop yeast and reuse it. I have done it for years. I wouldn't recommend that a beginner do it. Especially at only $50 for a new pitch.

In the long run you will save money and time by using good fresh yeast. Dumped batches cost alot more in time and ingredients than the yeast does.

Another important lesson:
if the beer is not good or up to your standard, dump it down the drain. You only get 1 chance to make a first impression on customers. It hurts to dump beer, but it is ALOT cheaper then loosing customers to bad beer.
