i'm trying to get cost as low as posible, i will sure reuse yeast!
I actually save money by not reusing because I have faster ferments and I am not limited in what I can brew by what yeast I have.
i still ended up dumping a ton of yeast down thr drain. That was too old.
To reuse yeast on a large scale yiu really need to do cell counts and be on top of your game. And brewing constantly. Or your yeaat will get old and be trash.
So let me undertand this, you brew a batch of 30 bbl , same day pitching yeast, and after 24 hours you throw inside same vessel the second batch of 30bbl
Yep first batch props up the yeast and to give us enough cells for the second batch.
what's the profit of that? Using the first wort as a ''big starter''? you aerate it more than usual for this purpose?
this method sounds very intresting
I don't remember if we pushed o2 on the second batch...probably not.
We did that because our yeast volumes were so expensive at that scale. We also had a full Lab and a lab guy who did our cell counts.
In general speaking almost avery day last year espesialy in the begining i learn something new that in my mind ''change everythig''
tha's why i love this thing suprise me every day , there are so many things around this proces !
I don't repitch because I get much better fermentations from new yeast. Fast stronger cleaner. The yeast that I use (APEX) is really cheap.
I have the background and knowledge to prop yeast and reuse it. I have done it for years. I wouldn't recommend that a beginner do it. Especially at only $50 for a new pitch.
In the long run you will save money and time by using good fresh yeast. Dumped batches cost alot more in time and ingredients than the yeast does.
Another important lesson:
if the beer is not good or up to your standard, dump it down the drain. You only get 1 chance to make a first impression on customers. It hurts to dump beer, but it is ALOT cheaper then loosing customers to bad beer.