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You have 3 things very much in your favor:
- Your work with your brother can be a backup income and part time work to help you stay afloat for the first few months or so. Also the fact that his business is plumbing is a huge benefit because you have access to expertise an equipment to save a lot on equipment.
- You have the option to make this a family business with your brother and wife helping with labor and your older brother potentially investing.
- You have a humble attitude and don't assume that what you do now is good enough or consistent enough and that means you'll get the help and guidance you need to improve your produce. Ego is a business killer.

I hope it works out for you!! :)
First off all theanks for your time-replys!
30 days at witch tempreture? if i use cold room (refrigerator room) then what?
my 1st target is 60 kegs per month, with that number i can be profitable ennouch to take it serious as my main work, (currently i'm working to my brothers company plambing)
90 days is assuming that it is refridgerated. I was saying that you need to have 1 month worth of empty keg shells on hand so that if you get a spike in demand or say your van breaks down or something happens, you will not be dead in the water. Also when i say 90 days i mean that you may not get your keg shells back for 90 days.

In the states, often your distributor does not pay you for the product you sell them until they sell it which could be up to 90 days, that probably isnt in your list of problems though.
Because of low budged - low sell target i will not buy automated cleaning machine, but i will build one my self , small cip apple balls puting on the keg and presurised with hot water chemicals etc. i will build this my self cost no more than 200-300€ but as i said i will have to wash just 60-100 kegs per month
totally understandable, i have worked manual machines before. what you save in money you sacrifice in time(which has a direct cost). Start with a small 3-4 head manual machine with the purchase priority list in your mind to get one soon as it will save you a ton of labor time.
i own already the van , my smaller brother is ready to take that job wen - (if) we hit the 100kegs /month target!
my wife was working some years ago to sales cigarettes and drings, she will take this part atleast the first months -year
Also good, but remember that working with friends and family can be a strain on relationships(learned this lesson the hard way).
as i said budget is low, probably i will start with a building close to my house 90 m2 area, rent is 300€ cheap for my city standards
that is crazy cheap. go for it, but remember you need to have space to store your keg shells and grain while also brewing. Start small and work into a bigger space. try not to invest too much money into build out on that small of a space.
truth is i have already take prices almost for everything , equipment fv, bbt, pumps , costruction, and many other, i have capital to run all this project for 10 months without earn any money, after 10 months my biger brother (the plumber) will invest some capital if i need,
set your budget there and do everything you can to stay within it while maintaining quality of life and product. if you start to dread going in to work, you need to reevaluate.
this is something i need some work..probabl;y i will ask for help - training from someone professional
ask for help. in the states, small breweries are generally in the mindset of "us vs the big beers(miller/coors/bud/heineken, etc). we often help each other out when it is possible.
Most of them no, 90% have just 1 craft, and 90% of them they just have the cheapest
i will focus only 1 recipe close to those selling here alitle bit hopy, very litle, we are not used to all those flavored beers here, for example most of people here prefer to dring 2 cheap simple beers than 1 IPA, i will focus a recipe as simple as posible but giving a very smal flavor probably i will go for a blonde ale, or i will work your method to make a good- fast making lager, i dont have the equipment to lager 1 month...
that will be a serious hurdle to overcome. you will also not be making friends with the other breweries if you take their taps from them. THIS WILL BE YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE by far.
also for chiller, i don't have budget to buy one, i will constuct one also, i will have a very good isolated vesel with 500 liters of glycol, iside that vessel i will connect refrigeration machine with copper coil which will cool the tank to -5 Celsius and maintain permanently there.
dont use copper, it has to be SS if it is in contact with beer. Dont want it so cold our chiller runs at -1C and keeps up just fine.

This is a very very important piece of gear. you may consider shifting some of your budget around to get a small chiller. The concepts are simple but they are a huge headache when they are not working correctly. also glycol has to be food grade and have a food grade rust inhibitor in it. glycol percentages are super important. Unless you have experience with this line of work it might be better to buy one then build one.

Depending on your tank size and schedule you may be able to get away with a large "line chiller" instead of a traditional glycol chiller. you could build in a resevoiur out of SS kegs well insulated and this could be a better solution short term. Just a thought. Our chiller is a chillymax and cost roughly $15k new 3 years ago. they have smaller models. we have a line chiller from perlick that cost about $3k and is strong enough to run one tank plus our long draw lines.

we built our glycol lines out of Sched 80 1.25" with heavy glue together rubber foam. drops are 3/4 pex. There are a lot of calculations needed to do this correctly. it is also very important to use good pipe dope plus good heavy teflon tape. both need to be rated for glycol as it is VERY slippery and will leak far more easily then water.

Look at Coolbots for your refridgerated spaces. they are super cheap and easy. the unit costs about $400 plus a window AC unit. 1 window unit easily keeps our 8x8 cooler at 36-37f.
Next step with thermostats i will control switch valves to each beer vessel and 1 pump giving cooland as demand, i can build all those myself , i have work in the past to food industry, (milk factory) and my main work is marine engineer, as i said now working to my brothers plumber company, i can build all this making work automatic, use cloud sensors control everything from my sellphone, puting notifications if some tempreture or presure drop for example.
for heating is more easy, same logic but with a tank with hot glycol
yup. you can do this then. without refridgeration experience and some food processing experience this would be outside of most peoples ability. I will leave my above comment.
All those are my plan, i'm happy to tel me what i'm thinking whrong, what i missing But truth is because of low budget i do it that way or i can't..
if i have to pay for all of those i need more than 100k witch i don't have..
100%. happy to help. happy to point out things to avoid future problems or hickups. I totally understand the budget restraints. You can for sure do this if you are smart about it(money, planning, sales, etc). When i talk about money it is from the American perspective(saturated markets, very high costs, etc.) i have seen lots of breweries come and go for various reasons. I know a bunch of them that have not even made it past the planning phase.

I forgot completely about some of the breweries i visited in Puerto Rico. They were making good(decent atleast) using very very little supplies and gear. Remember that my background is starting big on this stuff, so my experience is not on the budget side of things(until my current spot, but we have food and a taproom).
I don't know? What price is your competition selling beer for? If 90% of the taps are commercial lite beer that's what people want. If there was a market for craft they would be selling it. That said if you want market it's not going to be Brewing light lagers. The other problem is the darker or hoppier beer is not generally popular. Not sure your tourist base, but if I'm visiting Greece I'm drinking wine
I don't know? What price is your competition selling beer for? If 90% of the taps are commercial lite beer that's what people want. If there was a market for craft they would be selling it. That said if you want market it's not going to be Brewing light lagers. The other problem is the darker or hoppier beer is not generally popular. Not sure your tourist base, but if I'm visiting Greece I'm drinking wine
I'd say that something "accessible" to local drinkers and different from the commercial stuff but not drastically so would be the way to go. The idea of a Blonde Ale is the right approach. One of our biggest regional craft brewers, Real Ale, got established in the 90s with one beer - a Blonde Ale called Fireman's 4. That beer became really popular on the heels of the Texas "Bock" era. Darker lagers from the commercial breweries were everywhere and were the alternative to the Buds and Millers. Fireman's 4 offered a lighter malt profile with just enough hop flavor to set it apart from the commercial beers and was crisper and more "refreshing" than the malty amber/dark lagers.

Branding is going to be everything. If your beer is "Not the same as commercial beers" no one will pay attention but if it's "Kissed by the Gods", tourists will notice. Also, if your logo isn't a crown of barley and hops in the place of olive leaves, you're missing an opportunity. :D :D :D
remember you need to have space to store your keg shells and grain while also brewing
1 store room 2*5 =10 m2 with shelf will be fine for grains? how much grains i need to have stock and ready? if i brew 4 times a month with 100kg grains (500 liters batches) i need 400 kg per month grains, There is a company here witch is a very big brewery but also greating and selling grains, they delivery i don't thing is more than few days, if i older 1000 kg (40 packs of 25kg) i thing its ok a store room 10m2 with strong shelfs.

for kegs now... a big question, at least in the begining i have plan a space for kegs but not refrigarated, its 7m2 which i'm planing to be cold storage room but later, so thinging about that,
I will be able to store the full kegs there without refrigeration until they are sold but for how long until the flavor fades?
I don't know? What price is your competition selling beer for? If 90% of the taps are commercial lite beer that's what people want. If there was a market for craft they would be selling it. That said if you want market it's not going to be Brewing light lagers. The other problem is the darker or hoppier beer is not generally popular. Not sure your tourist base, but if I'm visiting Greece I'm drinking wine
they sell 63-70€ the cheapest (20 liters kegs) the local brewery here selling 80-90€ i was thinging to sell 65-70€
I'm talking for cheapest, ofcours there are to many beers , 80-90-100 ++
truth is we have to many buisness here especialy summer time,, to many options, most of beach bar i don't thing they care what beer they will use they just want to earn money,
if i can hit a 3-4% of the local market i will be fine
Like @J A stated: you got a lot goiing for you with your background and wife and brother's background as well.

I partly agree with @Brew Cat about drinking wine in Greece, but on a nice warm day, I would like an easy drinking beer. Nothing to high in alcohol, nothing too hoppy. A blonde is not a bad idea, or an American or Belgian pale ale.

I definitely would like regular updates about your progress
1 store room 2*5 =10 m2 with shelf will be fine for grains? how much grains i need to have stock and ready? if i brew 4 times a month with 100kg grains (500 liters batches) i need 400 kg per month grains, There is a company here witch is a very big brewery but also greating and selling grains, they delivery i don't thing is more than few days, if i older 1000 kg (40 packs of 25kg) i thing its ok a store room 10m2 with strong shelfs.

for kegs now... a big question, at least in the begining i have plan a space for kegs but not refrigarated, its 7m2 which i'm planing to be cold storage room but later, so thinging about that,
I will be able to store the full kegs there without refrigeration until they are sold but for how long until the flavor fades?
Yep i would think that is sufficient space wise. I order just under a standard pallet of grain(40 25kg bags) each time and it lasts me about 1.5-2.5 months at my scale.

Keg storage is a huge pain in the butt. Dirty and clean empties can be stored on pallets outside. Full kegs really should be kept cold. I cant tell you a def on shelf life, but storing them hot would shorten the shelf-life considerably. BUT on your scale you could get away with a small cooler like i use (8x8ft square) with a cool bot for relatively cheap. you would also store you hops and yeast in there too. Start looking for used coolers. the walls are generally modular and tough. doesnt have to be fancy, but it is important. that being said, you could build something using foam panels and pvc sheets, but it will be much less efficient.

Also in the states we call 20gal kegs 1/6s or sixtles. they are about 70lbs full so much more managable by hand, but you will have to move alot of them. we can put 20 of them on a standard US pallet.

I have some scaled recipes below that i did looking at my costs for scaling our gear up. its all a jumble of metric and imperial units, but it will give you an idea of grain weight for a few of the common sized brewhouses in the US. yours is roughly a 3-3.5bbl brewhouse. Im pushing the 2BBLS out of a 200L single vessel, so my efficiency is crap(~80%) if you have a 2 vessel you can squeeze better %s

This is my current 2bbl golden lager

This is an older version of my golden lager that i scaled to 3.5bbl batchsize. This includes my standard kettle losses.

This is the same older version scaled to 5bbl batch size

This is my oyster stout scaled to a 7bbl batch
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they sell 63-70€ the cheapest (20 liters kegs) the local brewery here selling 80-90€ i was thinging to sell 65-70€
I'm talking for cheapest, ofcours there are to many beers , 80-90-100 ++
truth is we have to many buisness here especialy summer time,, to many options, most of beach bar i don't thing they care what beer they will use they just want to earn money,
if i can hit a 3-4% of the local market i will be fine
what does the beer cost per pour? 500ml? 375ml?

I sold some halfs for $230 to the bar which is on par for a brewery here that brews 20-30bbl batches.

I am not sure what a slim goes for, but $70-110 is likely the range depending on how fancy the beer is. At your scale, you cant really afford to undercut anyone. you are playing off being fancier, rarity, etc.
Full kegs really should be kept cold
That's a extra cost i was hoping to avoid at least the first batches,
If i can't avoid i will convert the room 7m2, cover it with panels...2-3k extra cost
But i see on the supermarkets here the brewery selling bottles of beer and the expired dates ere alot of months, sitin in the supermarkets at room temperature, selling it as "fresh beer"
Why is that? Is pasteurizer but "fresh"?

what does the beer cost per pour? 500ml? 375ml?
Depends on the business for example 4€ for 400ml is cheap in the city
To the beach is more, and I'm speaking for commercial beer (Heineken for example)
That's a extra cost i was hoping to avoid at least the first batches,
If i can't avoid i will convert the room 7m2, cover it with panels...2-3k extra cost
But i see on the supermarkets here the brewery selling bottles of beer and the expired dates ere alot of months, sitin in the supermarkets at room temperature, selling it as "fresh beer"
Why is that? Is pasteurizer but "fresh"?
big beer uses alot of techniques and technology to keep it as fresh as possible.

light stable hops, pastuerization, natural carb in the bottle, and im sure there are a ton that i am not even away of.

they are very much next level on tech. insane consistency and perfect fermentation.

You can get away with it to start, but you will want to get a cooler setup when you can afford it. like i said before keep an eye out for used equipement in europe.
Depends on the business for example 4€ for 400ml is cheap in the city
To the beach is more, and I'm speaking for commercial beer (Heineken for example)
interesting. thats still cheap. i sell pints form $7.25-8.25 each.
a critycal question, i'm planing to use a 3 vesseel system,mash - boil - sparge, 700 liters of vessels is ok for 500 liters final product?
sparge and mash i thing is ok but what about boiler? i don't want to adding extra water later i want to boil once , adding olny as much needed to mach the FG.
Is this logic ok? there is any other way ?
a critycal question, i'm planing to use a 3 vesseel system,mash - boil - sparge, 700 liters of vessels is ok for 500 liters final product?
sparge and mash i thing is ok but what about boiler? i don't want to adding extra water later i want to boil once , adding olny as much needed to mach the FG.
Is this logic ok? there is any other way ?
Whoever you're buying your brewhouse from should be able to answer those questions. If you're buying a 500 liter brewhouse, it will be sufficient to produce 500 liters or more of finished wort.
This is where a consultant will be of use. Someone who understands the process can help you find and obtain for the right equipment for your production.
are you talking about a mash/lauter and kettle/whirlpool setup? I generally want the Hot liquor tank to be double the size of the kettle volume. The other option is On demand hot water. We use on demand Hot water heaters that are propane fired. they slow the flow rate down, but we could increase the flowrate by putting them in series. Budget wise they are probably not worth it for your setup.

natural gas? electric? steam? what is your heat source?
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That's what I was wondering. How would you boil 100+ gallons? The most efficient would probably be steam. I would imagine fuel cost in Greece like the rest of Europe to be $$$$
are you talking about a mash/lauter and kettle/whirlpool setup? I generally want the Hot liquor tank to be double the size of the kettle volume. The other option is On demand hot water. We use on demand Hot water heaters that are propane fired. they slow the flow rate down, but we could increase the flowrate by putting them in series. Budget wise they are probably not worth it for your setup.

natural gas? electric? steam? what is your heat source?
I will use electric but i have as alternative solution propane, propane cost half as electricity to boil 500 liters of liquid.
I was thinking to have a HLT heated with propane heating until 75-77 Celcius on brew day, I will not brew very often so i don't think is worth to maintain the temperature of HLT always there.
Later on I will connect in that HLT panels heating up with sun, here we have sany days all the year.
And mash tun and boil with electricity, for better temperatures control
I hope you have the needed electrical capacity, know somebody that can set it up for you, and you have the infrastructure for it.
I hope you have the needed electrical capacity, know somebody that can set it up for you, and you have the infrastructure for it.
Well pre heating the water will help but that seems like a lot of wort to boil using electricity. Probably more efficient on a small scale to get a smaller system and boil more.
Well pre heating the water will help but that seems like a lot of wort to boil using electricity. Probably more efficient on a small scale to get a smaller system and boil more.
I have seen 10bbl brewhouses use electric. it is not effiecent unless you get into some of the super fancy exterior colandria or other funky setups. I think there are some Merlin style systems that use a lots of coils in a tight space to achieve boil. When they get big they dont look like you would expect.

Steam, Oil, Direct-fire, then electricity is the order of efficiency(generally).

@Mastoras007 temp control isnt really an issue with steam or direct fire. Electricity is expensive to run in general. Preheating water is always a good idea. You want your Hot liquor tank at 180f(82c) blend in street water to hit the expected temps.
