hope it turns out a winner any tweeks on this one or left it as is?Maerzen. Done. It's for an Oktoberfest party in September.
Dropped all the crystal in favor of Munich and a touch of melanoidin. Adjusted hops back up to 25 IBUs. I did a test batch on the tweaks and liked it better so this is Anno 2018. Anno 2017 took two gold medals and I like this one better.hope it turns out a winner any tweeks on this one or left it as is?
.I've managed to swing another brew day! Dont tell my wife!!
Pretty much ready to get started, grains, hops all ready, starter (salts will get weighed out soon). Doing my version of Sierra Nevada PA but as I was getting it all ready I noticed the "my inventory" didn't subtract the last 2-3 batches hops! So am short on Cascade, will have to toss in an oz of Centennial I guess
plenty of mailard reaction thenBrewed a red ale for a buddy tonight. my new burner went nuts and I boiled the hell out of it by accident. Still should be good beer though.