I brewed today!

So brewed two brews back to back the big ben barley wine it came in at 1.090 5 points short but ill add some DME day two. Then i brewed a small beer out of the spent grains just a short dip with the bag then 30min boil and straight into the cube no chill style it clocked in at 1.024 so not a lot of sugar left in them grains i flavoured with galaxy.

Barleywine is bubbling this morn less than 12 hours post pitch so far so good. I gavenit another shake tgis morn for more o2 hope this wasnt a bad move..
12 hours after pitching is good for adding more O2. Much later than that I'm skeptical about.
12 hours after pitching is good for adding more O2. Much later than that I'm skeptical about.
Yeah my plan was to get some more o2 by shaking into the big beer as i know 02 is going to be needed by yeast to get this job done.
Yeah my plan was to get some more o2 by shaking into the big beer as i know 02 is going to be needed by yeast to get this job done.

As long as the yeast will tolerate the alcohol you are on the downhill run now. When brewing a big beer when the airlock starts to slowdown just give the fermenter a little rocking back and forth to roust the yeast. The o2 is used in the first phase of the yeast. It will be fine now but the yeast can get fat and lazy with all that sugar so keep them suspended as long as you can. And don't rush into secondary, it will be finished when it's finished.
just a tip , if for some reason you get the 1020 curse just pull a cup of wort out into a jar at least twice the size, but bigger is better add more yest shake it up like your making gravy injecting air into the yeast then add back in, it will eat any remaining sugar if the original yeast has stalled
just a tip , if for some reason you get the 1020 curse just pull a cup of wort out into a jar at least twice the size, but bigger is better add more yest shake it up like your making gravy injecting air into the yeast then add back in, it will eat any remaining sugar if the original yeast has stalled
Cheers Oz will try this if i need too
I’m brewing a rye ale today. I liked it so much the first time I made it, I’m looking forward to drinking it again. It should be ready by the time my wife gets around to painting the house. I’ll need something to drink while I watch her paint.
Doughed in about 15 minutes ago. Was 2 degrees low so hit the burner and pump for about 3 minutes to bring it up to desired.
Recirculation seems to be working well with the new false bottom.
Did a Lemongrass Ginger Wheat - three gallon batch, getting the induction system dialed in. I really like to work with it for 3-gallon batches, don't yet know how it will perform when I do my normal six-gallon brew on it.
OK, shortly after my last post the temp probe indicated the mash climbed from my desired 152F up to 156. Guess I need to work on the recirculation setup. Maybe go to a spray head of some sort instead of the whirlpool tube below the surface. Maybe just wrap the kettle well, dough in a few degrees higher and forget recirc.. All in all it was a good brew day. Missed OG again. This time by 5 points. Took a few pics along the way. First time using BRY-97. Was hesitant to try it after hearing of very long lag times, some over 36 hours. Rehydrated and pitched 2 packs into this 1.061 OG wort at 63F and Krausen began to form in about 16 hours. Not as quickly as I'm used to, but not too bad. Will be interested to see how well it floculates. Also first time using a thermowell. Discovered that the stick on fermometers are pretty accurate. Agreed perfectly with the Ranco probe in thermowell.


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I've never really been disappointed using BRY-97
Did 3 gallons of Late Hop Pale Ale today, three "new" things going: Induction: I love it for small brews! Even heat, steady boils, predictable.... Open fermentation - fermenting in an unsealed bucket. I've done it before and hope to avoid the messes my little Brew Demon was providing me. And finally, late hopping. I put a gram of Magnum in at the start of the 60 minute boil, everything else went in at 15 mins or at 0 mins. Whirlpooled 10 minutes - see the other thread we have going on late hop bitterness contributions - and got a really smooth, hoppy bitterness in the wort. Will see how the finished product comes out.
I brewed today. I have no idea what I brewed! 5 gallon batch. 10 lbs of 2-row and 1 oz of Galana (14.5%) split between 2 additions.
