I brewed today!

i brewed me homeroast IPA finnished up 1.5 lt over volume and smack bang on expect FG if 1.050 hydrometer correction 2 points. 84% efficiency so im cheering ill be emptying some dry hops in and expect plenty of crud trub. a happy brew day cheerz! now to get them yeasts working eh... oh no whirlflock used on this brew as can be seen from hydrometer no proteine coagulation and hazy i want this in this brew.


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Early riser!
I am! I like to start around 5 am when possible but that wasn't in the cards today.
Ever have a brew day that felt like your job? Everything about it today was work it seemed...
I am! I like to start around 5 am when possible but that wasn't in the cards today.
Ditto! Had a few too many “adult beverages” last night. Still was able to achieve “flame on” by 6:00am this. Brewed a simple 1.040 Cream Ale, hitting all our numbers. Celebrated the brew day completion with our first glass of Lemon Drop Saison, and wow is it delicious (albeit at 8.2 ABV!). Photo of the Saison to show up tonight in the “What are you drinking now” thread. It is a beautiful looking beer as well.

Now for dinner.... Mexican grilled corn on the cob with grilled scallops. photos of the dinner to show up on the “Grilling, Cooking and Curing...” thread this eve. Can’t wait... the Mexican grilled corn on the cob is a new recipe.

Update: The recipe for Mexican Grilled Corn comes from Cowboy Kent Rollins website.
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Just put the chiller in the kettle of 2018 Festbier. Pulled off 6qts of wort, boiled and lightly hopped separately for future starters. Bottled 8 22oz and one 12oz beer from two-1gal. starters for this beer. Curious how that will taste. Had flocculated well so needed to pour the beer off somewhere!
Centennial are slow to poke their little noses out here. Probably a good thing, its still pretty cold here.
Dampfbier is in the fridge, pitched and ready to kick off its fermentation. It's a dunkelweizen, only without the weizen part so I processed it that way, ferulic acid rest, cool fermentation to favor clove. I'm doing the open fermentation, my first fermentation in a bucket, with the lid on loosely.
Brewed Ozark’s Vienna Blonde and hit all the numbers. Now it’s up to the “yeasties” (sorry Jeffpn) and the fermenter to do their respective jobs.
Today we brewed up a tangerine Rye IPA and a tangerine PA. Lovin' those experimental hops. Bought 2 more #s of them for summer beers. They were awesome in a simple clean PA so we will step up the game for them with more malty and bigger beers.
Brewing up my Mad Hatter Brown Ale today, will get started in about 20-30min. Going to change hop times this time around, going to FWB the Fuggles and S. Goldings then Fuggles/Goldings at flame out rather than the 15/5 min .5 Citra in there as well. It's a nice sunny day here today, I have a few buddies showing up to check out the process through out the day so should be a good day all round.
Brewed up a Munich Helles yesterday, didn't quite hit my numbers (-2 points off), but not to worried about it.
I'm coming up on brewing for a full year, I'm finding it quite easy, smooth and peaceful now, not panicky like the first 3-7 batches! Some of this has to do with all the help I receive here............Thank you to all of you.
I realized I should not have two different pages with the same recipe open on brew day. I was reviewing the Jalapeno APA I made on Friday and noticed I hit 106% brew house efficiency. Which might be normal for Ozarks but definitely is suspicious for me. ;)

After about 10 minutes I realized I had reduced the grain bill to make a 4.5% sessional but had used the page with old data on it and ground 8.6KG of 2 row instead of 6.5. Whoops.

She'll be right, I just need to learn for that lesson.

Ive brewed this up a fair while back now. I soaked the vanilla beans in vodka it took awhile for that vodka to mellow but a smashable beverage. If i was to brew it now id just use vanilla extract from shop to try and loose vodka.
Enjoy Dan left us know how she turns out.

The vanilla beans were kind of pricey so I'm with you on just adding the extract and losing the vodka and vanilla beans next time. But if it's as good as it sounds might be worth the price. I'm hoping to be drinking it by the end of June so I'll let you know how it goes.
