What's your next brew

Brewing a Pale Ale tomorrow, 79.4% 2-row Pale, 10.3% C-15 and 10.3% Flaked Barley. OG-1.049, IBUs-42, looking for 5.1% ABV. Bittering with Centennial Mosaic and Cascade late addition kettle hops. Dry hop with an ounce each, Cascade, Chinook & CTZ. Fermenting with Mangrove Jack's New World Strong Ale. Really more of a Session IPA I guess.
Brewing a Pale Ale tomorrow, 79.4% 2-row Pale, 10.3% C-15 and 10.3% Flaked Barley. OG-1.049, IBUs-42, looking for 5.1% ABV. Bittering with Centennial Mosaic and Cascade late addition kettle hops. Dry hop with an ounce each, Cascade, Chinook & CTZ. Fermenting with Mangrove Jack's New World Strong Ale. Really more of a Session IPA I guess.
Trying some flaked barley for head retention and body there bob? look forward to the results
Next brew is the ESB I've been floating around, don't know if I'll get to it this weekend.
Trying some flaked barley for head retention and body there bob? look forward to the results

I could lie and say yes, but I've got an extra pound that I need to use:) I too am looking forward to the result.
Decided to squeeze in an extract brew of a Cranberry Belgian Ale (somewhere around blonde-amber) for Thanksgiving. Recipe is up for comment in the Recipe section of the forums. Yes, I'll be using Briess extract, although I suppose I could go DME instead. Will be fun - I haven't done extract in about forever outside of test brews.
Next brew is the ESB I've been floating around, don't know if I'll get to it this weekend.
Please keep us informed on this. I would love to try making something that might come out like a Fuller's ESB.
Please keep us informed on this. I would love to try making something that might come out like a Fuller's ESB.
Decided to put a cranberry Belgian for Thanksgiving in the rotation in front of this one. I'll brew Sunday, then knock out the ESB next weekend.
Decided to squeeze in an extract brew of a Cranberry Belgian Ale (somewhere around blonde-amber) for Thanksgiving. Recipe is up for comment in the Recipe section of the forums. Yes, I'll be using Briess extract, although I suppose I could go DME instead. Will be fun - I haven't done extract in about forever outside of test brews.
Good to go back to basics.
Next up is my Centennial Pale Ale. (recipe below) Debating on whether to brew it using my normal MIAB method, or to do a test run with the mashing kit I just ordered for the Digiboil. The mashing kit addition turns it into an all in one like a Mash & Boil. An early Christmas gift from my wife.


  • Centennial Pale Ale.pdf
    249 KB · Views: 181
Next up is my Centennial Pale Ale. (recipe below) Debating on whether to brew it using my normal MIAB method, or to do a test run with the mashing kit I just ordered for the Digiboil. The mashing kit addition turns it into an all in one like a Mash & Boil. An early Christmas gift from my wife.
Ah you l just gotta youse the mash kit efficiency may change who knows maybe not but I know it'll put a smile on your wife's dile.
Ah you l just gotta youse the mash kit efficiency may change who knows maybe not but I know it'll put a smile on your wife's dile.

Yea. Just finished creating new equipment profile for it and running a recipe through the new profile. Looks like a little increase in efficiency. A brew will tell. Gonna try the first run without recirculating and see how it works.
Gunna brew my next spin at ginger Ninger I've switched flaked oats for flaked barley and carapils for homemade crystal 40 today also centennial instead of citra and will drop the Tumeric additions and just stick with ginger oh and will be fermented hot with kviek. will be first brew on solar power at peak it pits out 4500watt so if I play my cards right timing for a midday brew I'll be boiling for free. Every tight arse's dream :).
Every tight arse's dream :).

Glad my wife doesn't look in on this forum. She'd have me up on the roof installing solar panels. I'm just as frugal as the next guy, but I do figure my labor into things, and it don't come cheap anymore :)
Next brew here is the second iteration of my Cherrywood Smoked Stout. A request from our youngest daughter, who will be spending a couple of weeks with us over the holidays. She worked her way through her Masters studies at Oregon State in a brew pub and is quite the beer critic. Thus the reason for my second iteration?
She is now pursuing her doctorate at the Brown School of Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. Luckily, she's getting a free ride with a very generous stipend and won't be working in another brewing environment. Another 5 years in a brewing environment and she'd be stoning me :)
Doing the ESB tomorrow. I cleaned out some of the malts I'd picked up from contests and so forth, doing some liberal substitutions. We'll see what I get.
