Change in plans, switched gears to the Cragunitas, which is a Lagunitas recipe, except I doubled up the hops. Haven't brewed it for a while, decided to stop thinking about brewing it, and just brew it. Only had the Munich light on hand, no caramunich II, so it will will be a tinch lighter in color. Going to whirlpool the 3oz flameout addition for about 20 minutes.Next up is my Cit Ruby Cit West Coast IPA. I ramped up the dry hop regimen on this one last time with great results.
Planning to brew this one over the holidays.
First time I brewed it was a Friday night, by the time I got to the boil I was kind of half in the bag (at least half actually), I looked at the recipe and thought... (in a monster truck announcers voice) that is noooot enough hops!!! Then proceeded to double all additions. Woke up the next morning fretting that I ruined it. It ended up turning out great, so I updated the recipe, and renamed it!Haha. Love the name.
Well dont go with too much raw wheat Magary unless your firing with gas lolNext up is an American Wheat. Simple grain bill of 2-row and wheat, low IBU's, maybe try a new aroma hop. Very limited ingredient list. Basically a palate cleanser after the Holiday excess.
You have been in the wars there Craig. Sounds like a good deal you got going on there.First post for a while, I was sick over the holidays and didn't get to brew the Cragunitas IPA, that one is going to have to wait a bit. Brewing a black IPA next Friday at a friends request, he wants to serve it at his superbowl party. He buys the ingerdients, assists on brew day, and we each get a keg.
Youve done a few takes on this brew hey craig? Whats that brew 5 on this recipieCragunitas IPA this weekend, no time to make a starter so going to use US-05 instead of the Cali Ale yeast.
No change to FG, probably the same strain anyway.
I think 4 or 5, but it has been many monthsYouve done a few takes on this brew hey craig? Whats that brew 5 on this recipie