What's your next brew

Simple Cascade Cream Ale done with Viking extra pale and some C-15. Hopped all the way through with Cascade. 1.046 OG and 20 IBUs.
Two of my favorites that I use often. I've used them in Pale Ales and IPAs together, with and without other C hops. I will say that I get a sweetness that I don't care for when using a lot of Centennial by itself, but anything a bit more harsh, like CTZ, will fix that.
Thanks Bob always good to get a second opinion before pulling the trigger so to speak:).
Changed my mind held off on weekend brew but will brew a double batch of that lil ale but cube off 23lt at flame out before whirlpool. Will add some Brooklyn hops to cube instead that way killing two birds with one stone (or one brew day).
Will be brewing a pale ale as soon as the one I've got crashing drops clear. Using the last couple ounces of Crystal hops before ordering more and some C-40 that I must have left over due to an error in my last order. Recipe below:


  • Chinook Pale Ale.pdf
    27.6 KB · Views: 229
Just got finished ordering ingredient for my next 4 beer, including the community recipe. Was going to include a 5th beer in the ingredient list, but bought a kit instead. MoreBeer had this tap handle free with any kit, https://www.morebeer.com/products/morebeer-tap-handle-recipe-kits.html so I ordered a $21 Blonde Ale kit instead.
The community recipe is third on my list now, so probably brew mid October.
Interesting. I'm thinking a helles style lager soon can't decide on grist though this one looks interesting.
Mexican lager is a great beer when done right, think adjunct Vienna lager.
Next up is the MoreBeer Hop Blonde kit. Pretty basic brew with 8# 2-row , 1# white wheat, 1# C10, Cascade at 60, Willamette at 5 and Simcoe dry hop. Mash just finishing up on a Chinook/Crystal Pale Ale. Not sure if I'll do a double header today or the Hop Blonde tomorrow.
Looking at my inventory and the repitching aspect, I can actually brew the community beer (Nautical Star) next. Should be kegging the 2 batches in my fermentation fridge early next week and have a pretty free brewing schedule for a couple of weeks. Using BRY-97 without any repitches, so it won't interrupt my plans. Next brew = Nautical Star.
Looking at my inventory and the repitching aspect, I can actually brew the community beer (Nautical Star) next. Should be kegging the 2 batches in my fermentation fridge early next week and have a pretty free brewing schedule for a couple of weeks. Using BRY-97 without any repitches, so it won't interrupt my plans. Next brew = Nautical Star.
Well I hope you enjoy it as much as I am I recon there ain't much of it left now :).
Nautical Star on my calendar for next Tuesday. Thought I'd post my recipe.(below) Don't remember what changes I made from the original, but this is what I'll be doing with it.


  • Nautical Star.pdf
    159.4 KB · Views: 245
