What's your next brew

Was going to brew that dark Czech lager but hops ain't here so I'm brewing a "starter lager" with same yeast I think it's S23 of top of head it'll land about 1.040 once this is finished I'll drop that dark Czech lager on top of this cake or slurry see how lazy I feel.
This is the beer today https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/887195/libertylager
This is it in the tiny bowl just a baby beer.

And here I am mashing trying a low whatt rise up through the mash profile on this mash just for kicks I'm mashing at 1000watts I reckon a degree celcius in 5minutes it's going end temp 66c then mashout after a bit there.
Cheers All!
Next up is my first stab at cloning Guinness' Rye Pale Ale. One of the better beers we sampled while in Ireland earlier this year. Light on the rye malt, some C-75, hopped with Cascade and Mosaic and fermented with a neutral yeast. Weighing in at 4.6% ABV with 30 IBUs.

Will post the recipe if it turns out as expected.
Good luck Bob, I’d give it a go if you like the results.

Grains getting ready for a Deer Creek Saison.

Using only malt from Deer Creek Malthouse in PA.
Mashing now...smells awesome. Don't they all though? :)
Cream ale is mashing in. I finally got ahold of a kveik strain and gonna try it out with this batch. In order to keep it unadulterated by the chiles, I'm doing a tincture this go around and will just add the 'magic' at keg time.
I'm also going to try fermenting under pressure the whole time. Going to set my Bowtie to 15 psi and then transfer to keg once fermentation is complete. With any luck it'll be ready to serve right away.
sssshhhh, don't tell the cool kids in club I'm making my first extract and specialty grain batch in over 15 years. Yeah, life has been hectic.
Have you seen the no boil neipa that's over on Homebrewtalk? Seems to be pretty legit according to those who've given it a go.
Have you seen the no boil neipa that's over on Homebrewtalk? Seems to be pretty legit according to those who've given it a go.
Fermented with Kviek? Gee wizz either that or a short n shody.

Do what floats ya boat and gets you across the line I say.
Ok thought we had picked up the carafe 3 for Narwhal but can't find it so crappers, will midnight wheat be a decent sub? It's only 3.6% of the malt bill.
It's about as close as you can get. I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between wheat and barley at that dark of a roast.
Thanks @BOB357 . I'm thinking will add half a # of Midnightwheat (what I have on hand) so shouldn't affect flavor and worst case scenerio would be more ruby color than black.
Next up is my west coast IPA, Cit Ruby Cit. Was planning to do it in 2 weeks, but may bump that up to next weekend after having to dump a keg of unintentionally sour beer :(
sssshhhh, don't tell the cool kids in club I'm making my first extract and specialty grain batch in over 15 years. Yeah, life has been hectic.
Nothing wrong with that. My dirty little secret is I've done BIAB....
Drinking Dawn of the Red. (?) I think. I'd really like to brew something like this next round. My Black IPA should be good to bottle tomorrow and I can brew next weekend.
Any recipes for an extract? Or pointers for hops and the like?
Irony-- first post was looking for a red also...LOL.
Next up is my house IP. Gonna try Warrior for the 60 minute addition instead of Chinook. Just got in more Crystal hops and they're 5.7% AA as opposed to the last ones at 3.3. Using 57 grams for 1 minute addition, so not adjusting for the few IBUs difference. Recipe below.


  • Baseline IPA.pdf
    429.9 KB · Views: 192
Probably going to brew either Prague After Dark or a variation of Sticky Blonde next weekend. I've got 2 batches of Dirty Boh and one of Sticky Blonde in progress right now.
Brewing a pale ale tomorrow, I've brewed hundreds of hop/malt combinations but this one is a clean out the bins beer, whatcha think


  • Ozarks Pale Ale_10.30.2019.pdf
    112.7 KB · Views: 136
