What are you drinking right now?

Moving about town, we found a spot in the sun at Bandon Brewing, where she is having a screwdriver, while I sip Awesome Pale Ale.
First pull of the altbier off of the fermenter. I started the cold crash yesterday morning, and tomorrow I'll transfer to a serving keg and lager for 2ish weeks before bottling and sending off to competition. I used Wyeast German Ale which does not floccuate well, so hopefully the conditioning period off the yeast is enough time to clear up. Tastes good tho!
And first pull of the golden ale. Same story, I'll transfer it off of the yeast and dry hops then condition for 2 weeks before bottling. This one tastes citrusy and spicy, I like it a lot
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First pull of the altbier off of the fermenter. I started the cold crash yesterday morning, and tomorrow I'll transfer to a serving keg and lager for 2ish weeks before bottling and sending off to competition. I used Wyeast German Ale which does not floccuate well, so hopefully the conditioning period off the yeast is enough time to clear up. Tastes good tho!
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That isn't bad at all for a first pull. Good luck to you. The Alt is still on my bucket list.
I still want to try a couple again that I really liked the first time. Since my keg is very light, I need to make plans for my Oatmeal Porter. I think this time I might add just another 1/2 lb Maris just to brink the alcohol up a tick.
