What are you drinking right now?

Brown Ale
I've morphed your 3-Day Weekend recipe again. Got one fermenting now with 6-row malt, a combination of Magnum and Hallertau hops, and S33 yeast. VERY light in color, though it turned a very strange orange color on the 3rd day of fermentation. I put in two packets of S-33, so probably going to be waiting a while for that to settle down completely.
Sounds tasty, keep me posted on how it goes.
I want to hear how that turns out. I was looking ar 6 row and flaked
Could be a while, generally let my beers work a couple of weeks then lager a few after that.
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
I wonder if a taste - like an ounce - would be a breach. I can certainly understand avoiding the time and possible effects of a pint though.
