What are you drinking right now?

I'm almost out of beers, and I'm trying to keep 1 out of 2 remaining Belgian pale ales and 1 out of 4 Saison to gift to the guy that supplied me with malt.
But since I'm only going in his direction in 3 days, I'm not sure I'll succeed.
Meanwhile, I'm having a glass of Shiraz
This sports bar has been getting a lot of my business on Sundays since I canceled my cable. Go Seahawks!
Kenny's setting up the long con...
Many forums have the requirement that you have to post X times before you can include a hyperlink. Now you can see how they get around that.
Many forums have the requirement that you have to post X times before you can include a hyperlink. Now you can see how they get around that.
For sure, but I'm drinking gin & tonic as I ran out of beer, so I can't be bothered too much :D
The chill haze or that glass of beer? :p
Wish I was there to help.
:D I hope it lasts longer than through to the weekend .
On that beer above had work mate sample some he said it reminded him of something- I said" I hope it's beer"!
He said yeah from Eumundy brewery. Ill take that as a compliment.

More of my lite lager.

Perfect on this hot summers er spring day!
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Havin' one of my new Chocolate Oatmeal Stouts right off the shelf, unchilled as I run the last batch sparge on my Frankenbeer II. Probably around 65F bottle temp. We haven't been running the HVAC for a couple weeks now (too nice outside for that), so it may be slightly warmer under the stairs than normal, but good for the conditioning. It's purty darn good that way, and I reckon it would be the way it's drunk in the UK. Very tasty. Got some fizz but could use another couple days conditioning. Looking to have a decent head, too. Just popped the top on one to see how it's doin' after 3 days. Quite yummy, and maybe won't make me stupid quite so quick since it should be a much lower ABV with the FG being so high. I was right, the malt is peeking out after a little conditioning and some carbing, and the bitterness from the dark malts is dropping off a bit. Doesn't quite taste like Community Coffee (re: Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans) anymore. Less charred, more fresh coffee like.. Kinda weird how some of this stuff works. Ain't chemistry wonderful?
Great stuff Roadie!
So you didn't actually add any coffee to that batch huh?
Just from the roasted malts.
Correct. No coffee, but I did add cacao nibs 10 min before flame out to bump the chocolate notes. Dunno if it would be drinkable with coffee added to that much Crystal 60. Maybe could back off the Crystal and add coffee, but not sure that would really make a big difference in the flavor unless it was a really good coffee.
Correct. No coffee, but I did add cacao nibs 10 min before flame out to bump the chocolate notes. Dunno if it would be drinkable with coffee added to that much Crystal 60. Maybe could back off the Crystal and add coffee, but not sure that would really make a big difference in the flavor unless it was a really good coffee.
I rekon it'd enhance the flavour maybe a dry hop whole beans. Next time for comparrison
