What are you drinking right now?

Kolsch. Still a little green
A local Belgian Dubble. Well as local as Huntsville gets.

Just found out I completely missed the photo. Part of the fun of having an excited hyper 14 year old girl.

Straight to Ale Belgian Dubble. Very malty and trying to figure out the hops. Quite tasty for a big beer at 8% will get a can photo on the next one.
Southern Tier Pumpking, an 8.6% Imperial Ale. I assumed it was a local beer, but they meant the Southern Tier in New York State, near Erie, which I suppose is south of something...

Very silky mouthfeel, a little sweet, a bit more bitter, and a flavor I can't place. Not pumpkin.
Southern Tier Pumpking, an 8.6% Imperial Ale. I assumed it was a local beer, but they meant the Southern Tier in New York State, near Erie, which I suppose is south of something...

Very silky mouthfeel, a little sweet, a bit more bitter, and a flavor I can't place. Not pumpkin.
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Well, it’s south of Schenectady, and Canada.

I always thought folks from Huntsville were Northerers when I was a kid.
Southern Tier Pumpking, an 8.6% Imperial Ale. I assumed it was a local beer, but they meant the Southern Tier in New York State, near Erie, which I suppose is south of something...

Very silky mouthfeel, a little sweet, a bit more bitter, and a flavor I can't place. Not pumpkin.
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Pumking was probably the first pumpkin beer that made my say, "Holy sh**, I really like this." Unfortunately, I need to be a little closer to the sessionable side these days if I want to continue enjoying beer for a long time. Once in a great while, I will drink a Tripel or a rum drink, but that isn't very often.
Josh, you must be digging the hell out of the Marzens as of late LOL.
I am but I bought a lot of German lagers a while back. So if I want them fresh I gotta drink them :) Still got an Ayinger, 2 Hofbrau, 2 Paulaner, 3 augustiner, and one hacker left. My next 4 brews will also be German style lagers but a few dunkels in the mix
We’re at The Beer Stein, a local beer and food joint here in Eugene. She has a small pour of Alaskan Amber, while I have Pacific Beach Pale by Manifest, a brewery here in Eugene. In the background is a wall of bottled and canned beer from around the world. The coolers stretch out of sight to the right.
