What are you drinking right now?

Naked in the snow? Gotta be a Canadian thing...like making love in a canoe...or so I've been told....I'll have to try that....er...the beer. They sell Great Lakes down here...
There are two Great Lakes that are unrelated. This is from the Toronto based company, Great Lakes Brewery, they make a lot of really good beer, and some great beer. Then there is Great Lakes Brewing based in Ohio, and they make some very good, but mostly amazing beer.
This is what my own Christmas Ale was inspired by
Batch 1 suffered from coarse milling and a couple other things, but turned into a surprisingly nice beer. More IPA than the blonde it was supposed to br.
It's a week older than batch 2. Doesn't sound like much but it is as they are still very young beers

Batch 2:
This was just the trisl bottlr. Only 1.5 day in the fridge. Going to let the other bottled sit out for a bit longer.
Bit sweet. Much more fruity than batch 1.
I figure because of roughly same amount of hop, but higher gravity of batch 2.
I can now taste peach and summer fruits.
Bit cloying...
Definitely going to wait at least 2-3 days and then put a new bottle in the fridge.
Ready to brew the West Coast IPA soon, which means I need the yeast that's under the Golden ale :) breaking out the biggest beer glass I've got to find that buried treasure :D
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I guess that is another advantage of kegging. Your serving size is only limited by the size of your mug!
I never realised you guys could get Rodenbach ;)
I'm having a little whisky after 2 blondes
Amazing what a couple of days can do to a beer! 3 days since my first tasting. Wasn't impressed, but now it's a very nice beer:cool:
