What are you doing with homebrew today?

I just bottled the Mint Chocolate Stout in 1 liter PET bottles. These will sit until March.

I changed a couple of o-rings on the keg and now the gas disconnect connects nicely
Also moved my pet bottle low alcohol ipa to the fridge and checked pressure on the kegs
Sounds like it worked perfectly.

Hmmm next order I do I'll be getting some post Orings and change em all out they've all been in service for some time.
Transferred my amber lager to the serving keg. Using Pepsi-style kegs, I can fit 3 in my kegerator. I'll be attempting to add the 3rd shank and faucet today after work so they are all servable from the tower. I'll need to come up with a way to get CO2 to the 3rd keg eventually. I also need some cable management for the gas and beer lines inside the fridge. Maybe duct taping to the ceiling?
I also threw together a batch of primitive cider: 1.5 gallons apple juice, 1 quart filtered water, dash of yeast nutrient and calcium chloride. Fermenting at room temperature under pressure with Lutra kveik. OG 1.052
Transferred my amber lager to the serving keg. Using Pepsi-style kegs, I can fit 3 in my kegerator. I'll be attempting to add the 3rd shank and faucet today after work so they are all servable from the tower. I'll need to come up with a way to get CO2 to the 3rd keg eventually. I also need some cable management for the gas and beer lines inside the fridge. Maybe duct taping to the ceiling?
I also threw together a batch of primitive cider: 1.5 gallons apple juice, 1 quart filtered water, dash of yeast nutrient and calcium chloride. Fermenting at room temperature under pressure with Lutra kveik. OG 1.052
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I just run a line splitter when I did mine with an on off tap type thing.

If I did my lines again I'd use the beer line tidy from kegland

I have a manifold with shut off valve on each, that way your not serving CO2 to an empty keg
this is the splitter I used on the keggerator


If ya run Duotight you and push straight in without barb.

As you can see you can daisy chain em.

Yes I run a manifold on my keezer but if I had my time again I'd hVe individual regs on each line which I might do either this year or next when I mount my gas outside the chamber...
My son came to the house today. He has been brewing a bit on my hand me down equipment. Together we cooked up the quarterly Zambezi Special. All went really well, as none ended on the floor.
I did change my yeast from my original plan of BE256 to WLP550 and added a couple ounces of acid malt stuff.
Next week I’ll be taking a second pass at my Street Corn Lager. Roasting the Blue Corn Malt today. 24oz @ 325F for 40 minutes.



After: Darkened up somewhat, kitchen filled with an aroma of nuttiness. The taste of the roasted malt does remind me of eating those stubborn pieces of popcorn that refuse to pop.

One of those days in the brew room. Transferred a bock to the keg . All good. Tucked the glycol tubing up and got the equipment cleaned up. Forgot to remove the tubing from the chiller. Came back 2 hours later . The entire chiller resovoir leaked out onto the floor
One of the tubes fell down below the chller and…..
One of those days in the brew room. Transferred a bock to the keg . All good. Tucked the glycol tubing up and got the equipment cleaned up. Forgot to remove the tubing from the chiller. Came back 2 hours later . The entire chiller resovoir leaked out onto the floor
One of the tubes fell down below the chller and…..
Oh hell, sorry to hear.
