Kinda what I figured. Either don't do it or buy pressure rated fermenter.
I wouldn't sweat it I've brewed some meddling beers including pilsner in a plastic bucket.Kinda what I figured. Either don't do it or buy pressure rated fermenter.
The biggest advantage I see of using a pressure fermentor is the positive pressure keeps air out. Of course, the beer is being scrubbed of gas by the CO2 while fermenting so that seems to be a minimal benefit during active fermentation. Also, you ferment under 15 psi, your pressure at the bottom of the fermentor is equivalent to the pressure at the bottom of a 32 foot tall unpressurized fermentor. That may change yeast performance. But the statement is true: Don't try to pressure-ferment in a vessel that is not rated for it.Kinda what I figured. Either don't do it or buy pressure rated fermenter.
I see a pink flamingo, except of course that it isn't pinkA piece of performance art. Czech Dark Lager art. Yuletide art .. If you look closely you can see a baby in swaddling cloths. 3 wise guys from the East Coast came by and confirmed the image.View attachment 13325
Blasphemous? Du machts ein Shertz, oder? It's perfectly fine to sub Saaz for Spalt.As far as the next recipe, it seems we're moving in two different possible directions. Some, like @Trialben, want brewers to put up their favorite/flagship recipe for us all to try, and others want to collaboratively agree on a style, and then let individuals find/make recipes from there.
I like both directions, honestly. I think Shady Bohemian was a huge success thanks to @Bulin's Milker Bucket BrewsIf anyone, whether Ben tagged you or not, wants to suggest their favorite/flagship homebrew recipe, please do
but maybe in the meantime, those of us ready for a new recipe idea can work on the suggested style.
Speaking of which, I'm down for a kolsch. I already have some Lalbrew Koln I'm excited to try. Thank you for the recipe backbone @Nosybear, that's super helpfulWould it be too blasphemous to use Saaz in a German lager recipe?
That's good cause last I checked MoreBeer is out of spaltBlasphemous? Du machts ein Shertz, oder? It's perfectly fine to sub Saaz for Spalt.
I envisioned some kind of gladatorial competition to decide who the brewer of the quarter is...How about this for an idea?
For the brewer of the quarter or more frequent we put everyone's names in a hat and draw a name out? whoever is drawn gets to put forward their fav beer recipe they like to brew.
Now I don't mind being the draw person and posting the name for the quarter.
Or I don't know if someone like @Yooper or @Pricelessbrewing could do their computer IT magic and randomly generate one from the forum user pool?
Maybe this is a big ask?
Complicated I suppose but I don't mind just writing a heap of your user names on a piece of paper putting them in a jar an selecting one every month or more untill there is none left.
I rekon this might be a fun way to do it!
The reason I like the select a brewer type idea is.
It's more personal then weird I know but i want to brew what you like to brew type thing. I rekon this Shady Bohemian has been a perfect example from Bulin you get to find out the kind of beer that he likes to brew and drink.
Being on a forum a brewing Forum at that, it makes perfect sence to brew one another's beers that we have created on this cool beer recipie software. A way for us to connect, share and learn this awesome beer brewing hobby that we all find in common.
What do ya think?
How about this for an idea?
For the brewer of the quarter or more frequent we put everyone's names in a hat and draw a name out? whoever is drawn gets to put forward their fav beer recipe they like to brew.
Now I don't mind being the draw person and posting the name for the quarter.
Or I don't know if someone like @Yooper or @Pricelessbrewing could do their computer IT magic and randomly generate one from the forum user pool?
Maybe this is a big ask?
Complicated I suppose but I don't mind just writing a heap of your user names on a piece of paper putting them in a jar an selecting one every month or more untill there is none left.
I rekon this might be a fun way to do it!
The reason I like the select a brewer type idea is.
It's more personal then weird I know but i want to brew what you like to brew type thing. I rekon this Shady Bohemian has been a perfect example from Bulin you get to find out the kind of beer that he likes to brew and drink.
Being on a forum a brewing Forum at that, it makes perfect sence to brew one another's beers that we have created on this cool beer recipie software. A way for us to connect, share and learn this awesome beer brewing hobby that we all find in common.
What do ya think?
I'd be down for something like that. @Yooper thoughts? We could do a new post in the announcements for anyone interested and move the discussion to the beta testing sub-forum. Once we have a list of interested parties, it's no problem to randomly choose a user, then send them a message to confirm them for the next months post, if not interested we can choose the next user and so on until someone is available and willing.How about this for an idea?
For the brewer of the quarter or more frequent we put everyone's names in a hat and draw a name out? whoever is drawn gets to put forward their fav beer recipe they like to brew.
Now I don't mind being the draw person and posting the name for the quarter.
Or I don't know if someone like @Yooper or @Pricelessbrewing could do their computer IT magic and randomly generate one from the forum user pool?
Maybe this is a big ask?
Complicated I suppose but I don't mind just writing a heap of your user names on a piece of paper putting them in a jar an selecting one every month or more untill there is none left.
I rekon this might be a fun way to do it!
The reason I like the select a brewer type idea is.
It's more personal then weird I know but i want to brew what you like to brew type thing. I rekon this Shady Bohemian has been a perfect example from Bulin you get to find out the kind of beer that he likes to brew and drink.
Being on a forum a brewing Forum at that, it makes perfect sence to brew one another's beers that we have created on this cool beer recipie software. A way for us to connect, share and learn this awesome beer brewing hobby that we all find in common.
What do ya think?
I envisioned some kind of gladatorial competition to decide who the brewer of the quarter is...
What if we drew 2 names on the first drawing? Then we would have a one to brew and one "on deck". After that we could just draw one and that would give people plenty of time to prepare and schedule for the next brew.A couple of thoughts from me. If I may.
1. I would hate to see anyone have their name generated more than once or twice in a 12 month period. It can be (but isn't necessarily) a chore to select a recipe, promote a recipe, and answer questions about it. If all you do is brew, you're gonna be down with that, but many brewers have jobs, kids, women to chase, lawns to mow and farts to analyse.
2. One way to accomplish this is to have folks opt in for every selection day. Another would be to withdraw your ticket for 6 months if you are chosen. I assume to second is easier to do without a whole lot of human interface.
3. Final thought - working on this well in advance would be nice. Case in point, I am just now fermenting the Czech Dark Lager and others have packaged it. Many of you have more planned out schedules than I. If we could know the November beer by early October or even mid September it might help folks procure materials and work with existing schedules.
Anyone stepping up to arrange this?A couple of thoughts from me. If I may.
1. I would hate to see anyone have their name generated more than once or twice in a 12 month period. It can be (but isn't necessarily) a chore to select a recipe, promote a recipe, and answer questions about it. If all you do is brew, you're gonna be down with that, but many brewers have jobs, kids, women to chase, lawns to mow and farts to analyse.
2. One way to accomplish this is to have folks opt in for every selection day. Another would be to withdraw your ticket for 6 months if you are chosen. I assume to second is easier to do without a whole lot of human interface.
3. Final thought - working on this well in advance would be nice. Case in point, I am just now fermenting the Czech Dark Lager and others have packaged it. Many of you have more planned out schedules than I. If we could know the November beer by early October or even mid September it might help folks procure materials and work with existing schedules.
I could write something up. I'll post it here and if it looks ok to everyone, we could start a new thread and see about pinning it to the top. If we go forward with this, who would like to set up the quarterly zoom meetings? I'm clueless about video conferencing.Anyone stepping up to arrange this?