This would be cool if you could make it happen.I'd be down for something like that. @Yooper thoughts? We could do a new post in the announcements for anyone interested and move the discussion to the beta testing sub-forum. Once we have a list of interested parties, it's no problem to randomly choose a user, then send them a message to confirm them for the next months post, if not interested we can choose the next user and so on until someone is available and willing.
I think of it like this a way for new and old Brewers to come and expand their brewing horizons and test their brewing skills.
I looked through my brew report for this last year and found I pretty much fall into the American/Australian pale ale, light lager, international lager, dark lager stout porter category not venturing much past my know how to brew and like brewing vocabulary.
Now the community brew on the other hand can be a way to test our craft as hombrewers test out boundaries push us to brew outside of our comfort zone through brewing other people's beers.
By selecting a brewer of the month and through the recipe contribution it will most likely be a tried and true representation of that style of beer BJCP Natzi s aside lol!
Also It will be great for the randomly selected Brewer to have his/her beer recipie brewed and scrutinised in a friendly environment so those members on here with years worth of beer brewing knowledge and those of less experience can hopefully learn from one another to help us all grow to be better Brewers.
For instance how many times have you had a beer come back from a comp with a less than expected overall score but haven't had the opportunity to explore Maybe why that beer didn't score so well what were the flaws that could be improved on next time round all the way down to recipie selection.
Overall I think we have all got a lot to offer to one another here on this forum the wide ranging experience that I see in the random Brewers who frequent this forum from different countries and with different brewing backgrounds keeps me coming back to learn more. Maybe this Quarterly brewing thing can just be another cool aspect of this vibrant hombrewing forum.
Ok cheers hope ive not Come across too drunk and emotional lol