Bread Thread!

My best sandwich loaf

I am here, just posted for the first time in a while to tell others what I did with homebrew today.
It has been a weird year, losing my father in March, then dealing with his estate - selling the home that he and my mother shared for nearly 59 years. In mid-Summer I got introduced to salmon and Dungeness crab fishing, which have consumed my attention for the past few months. Now I feel ready to make some beer in what remains of this year.
I am here, just posted for the first time in a while to tell others what I did with homebrew today.
It has been a weird year, losing my father in March, then dealing with his estate - selling the home that he and my mother shared for nearly 59 years. In mid-Summer I got introduced to salmon and Dungeness crab fishing, which have consumed my attention for the past few months. Now I feel ready to make some beer in what remains of this year.
Heyya Herms...loosing your folks is a rough deal but good on you for taking care of let's get some barbecue sauce on that salmon...that and a nice malty brown ale...ummm UMMT!
I got my hands on a long kept starter from Texas a couple of weeks ago.
I wanted to do something with it right away, so I mixed up 300 grams of flour and 300 grams of water with it, tossed in a tsp of salt and let her go on the counter overnight. Next day basically poured it into greased bread pan, let it double and baked it off.
Man did that have some twang to it!
I did recover and made a new starter from that, fed it once and tossed it into the fridge for a week.
So last night I got a bug up my ass to make bread about 9pm. I pulled the started from the fridge, mixed that into 500 grams of water, and then mixed it up with flour, rye flour, caraway seeds and a bit of salt. Left it out overnight and it looked beautiful this morning.
Recovered and fed some of it for the next starter and scooped the rest into an oiled Dutch oven.
Having no idea how quickly it would double, I just put the lid on and left.
I looked at it 3 hours later and it appears to have doubled, so on with the oven!
Hopefully it comes out great!
Cheers all!
Thanks to my wife, I now have some new baking tools. First, she bought a cast iron trivet that goes inside the Dutch oven, elevating a loaf above the floor of the pan. I used this trivet, with parchment paper to bake several loaves. The use of the trivet requires a longer baking time, but prevents over browning of the bottom crust. The next item she bought is a silicon sling, which sits directly on the floor of the Dutch oven. My first use of the sling was a mixed success. I got great oven spring and crumb, but kept the extended baking time, resulting in a nearly burnt crust, top and bottom. The next loaf will require an adjustment back to the original baking time, with hopes that it will produce a photo worthy bake.
Do you have a pic Herm?
I have no idea what a silicone sling is
Leftover pizza dough baked off for toast this morning


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I guess there is no way to delete a post you made by mistake?
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My first use of the sling was a mixed success. I got great oven spring and crumb, but kept the extended baking time, resulting in a nearly burnt crust, top and bottom. The next loaf will require an adjustment back to the original baking time, with hopes that it will produce a photo worthy bake.
In retrospect, that last bake was the beginning of the end of the line for the oven that was brand new when we bought our home in August 2022. Luckily, we did not burn our house down, as the oven lost its ability to regulate temperature. When turned on, the oven heated to the top of its range, no matter the input. After replacing both thermostats and having an appliance pro examine the oven, without a fix, I decided to buy a new oven. The new oven was installed (by me), and we are learning the nuances of this new appliance. Since that previous bake, I was forced to buy a commercially produced sourdough. Soon it will be time for me to bake another loaf of sourdough.
I got into sourdough recently. I'm doing boules, loafs, baguettes, batards, etc, and then using discard for corn bread and other things.

The funny thing is I follow a low-carb (ish) diet so don't really eat much of it at all.
Great looking bread @Herm brews , as usual.
I'm still struggling with gas oven and only bottom heat. Bread doesn't look fantastic, but at least it is tasty
That looks good! I don’t use parchment or a silicon sling, as I don’t like the idea of PFAs. I’m going to try a light sprinkle of cornmeal and see if it’ll release without sticking.
Thanks for the compliment.
Another tool in the arsenal is a cast iron trivet that sits at the bottom of the Dutch oven - no worries of forever chemicals there, and it is an heirloom that could be passed down to future generations.
