What are you drinking right now?

Lucky for you (and your friends) that you can do something about that! Of course that assumes you can get hold of bourbon and oak chips.
I have plenty of bourbon at home.... but it's not quite the same a beer that has been aged in a barrel. Tried some bourbon soaked oak chips in a stout and it was .....ok.... just not quite the same.
OMG 100$ for soda Stream sorry to hear Zambezi.
Dry Ice is a possible cheaper but harder refill alternative
Only the 1 cylinder. Sodastreamer with 1 cylinder and 2 bottles : 200 dollar :(

But I got 2 old old old bottles and they can still fill those :confused:
After a couple lagers (mosi), I felt it was time to try my French Saison. It's a trial bottle and has only been in the fridge for 2 days.
First impression: I like :cool:
Bit more bitter than my usual beers. Not overly carbonated, but about right.
I'll make space in the fridge and move all bottles across.

Better pic in a couple of days.

Next up;
Tasting of SOS, gimme strength (my version of the Ukranian tripel "syla")
