The flaked oats were slightly toasted in the oven @ 150°C
Secondary (4 weeks):
First 2 weeks:
200g Almonds (chopped, 20 min @150°C in the oven) in a bag
2x vanilla beans (pre-soaked in vodka for 2 weeks) along with:
3 tonka beans (one of them grated)
Hungarian and American medium toasted oak cubes/chips (about 60g together, little bit more of the american)
20g cocoa nibs and 1 grated tonka bean (both toasted in the oven for about 10 minutes @ 150°C)
Second 2 weeks:
Took out the almond bag and put another 200g in (chopped, 30-40 min @ 150°C in the oven)
My OG was 1.112 and the FG was 1.044 of which I am uncertain why that happened. 2 packs of yeast should have been enough, and I don't recall any problems with mashing. So the alc. was 9%
Before bottling I couldn't refuse to sample it a few times in secondary, it tasted and smelled SO GOOD I could drink it right away. It was really marzipany/almondy, desserty, chocolatey...
Bottled amount was 12 liters, 2.0 Co2/vol
At first I was a little bit let down because the aroma was not nearly as strong as it was in the secondary. There was no alcohol burn, it simply wasnt very strong in aromas and flavours as mch as I expected. I didn't get the 'marzipan' feel really... it was still delicious though.
After aging for 3-4 months is where it really started to taste as I anticipated... started to get more and more of the marzipan/almond, chocolate popped up a lot more too. Much much stronger in the aromas and flavours, just what I was missing in it's younger state.
Now it really is a marzipan beer! :)
This is my mastercraft!
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Last Updated: 2023-10-12 00:04 UTC
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NEW Water Requirements:
Marzipan Imperial Stout
Equipment Profile Used
System Default
Water Requirements:
Marzipan Imperial Stout
Recipe Cost
$ (USD)
Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.
Cost $
Cost %
Steeping Grains (Extract Only)
Cost Per Barrel
Cost Per Pint
Total Cost
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