You know you did it wrong when...

For me, it's about letting the water drain out of the grains. I don't want the grains sitting in the water.
For me, it's about letting the water drain out of the grains. I don't want the grains sitting in the water.
I'm sorry I misunderstood. I see if you're draining the grain. I thought you meant mashing which means the grains are in the liquid already. Sorry
When you hook up your keg and decide to burst carbonate and hear a bubbling sound coming from your keg and liquid traveling up your gas line. OH &$@t! I've hooked the gas line up to the liquid post:eek:.
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When you hook up your keg and decide to burst carbonate and hear a bubbling sound coming from your fermentor and liquid traveling up your gas line. OH &$@t! I've hooked the gas line up to the liquid post:eek:.
thats what you get for staying away from the sauce for a few weeks, you forget how your hose works
Yea Ive herd you don't want to get liquid in your regulator it can ruin it. well it's all good so far:rolleyes:.

I filled that keg really high so I thought oh the gas side dip tube must be below the water line but when I went to purge headspace that's when I herd the gurgling sound and then beer frothing inside my gas line lolo_O whoops :p.

Yep jmcnamara my brain ain't working right! :confused: I've been sneeking a pot here and there so in the beer department I've caved a bit:oops:.
you know you did wrong when your temp probes or PID's go crazy for no reason, had a long day and piled all supplies inside my minerals and hops tub to carry in, I mean it was full of all kinds of stuff including my temp probe cables which are brass with a coating on it,
I guess a bag full of campden tablets which is really and acid I guess broke open and spilled in the bottom I set the tub up for the holidays in a closet. took everything out to brew and the ends of my cables kind of like air hose quick connects were oxidized and actually ate the metal, and out of the entire control box build those were the worst to make. nothing worked, soaked in vinegar with salt, lemon juice, finally I tried wd 40 and sand paper, finally go them back whew; I was worried :D

the morel is acid and metal a no no


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Hopefully a mistake you only make once !

After getting most of my bar set up I decided I needed a rack to hold all my beer glasses inside the fridge ( allowing space for the kegs and hoses )
I know there's coolant lines running through there so used a silicone based adhesive and tested it overnight with plastic jugs full of water to simulate the weight .
Lucky used plastic and not the stolen fair and square pint glasses since found that glue didn't bond well :-(
Hay im thinking something to do with the cold and glue not going off.
2 part epoxy but it is nasty stuff but that will hold like flys on s##t!
Fridge wasn't turned on yet , cold not an issue in this case
Will try again with epoxy as I want the remaining shelf to be for bottled beers only from other brewers and commercial examples
Building that kayak gave me a new perspective on two pack epoxy that stuff is awesome! and once you learn how to apply it and how to work with it there ain't nothing that it won't bind together. Them joins I made with it were stronger then the marine ply timber. My one tip not that you probably need it but ... pre mix it in a plastic disposable cup then stick a zip lock sandwich type bag in another cup pour in the epoxy seal up the bag then grab ya sissors snip off the corner and use this to squeeze in your epoxy to make a nice even run;). Then with your glove on wack a heap of spit on ya finger and smooth out your fillet with your finger or if not a paddle pop stick. Good luck
You pop open your Agave Blonde Ale after three weeks of conditioning next to the water heater and there's no "pffft". I was rushed to bottle this and as far as I can tell, forgot the priming sugar. Ooops.

I have some carbonation drops downstairs, I'll be opening each bottle, dropping one (or two) in, re-capping....
Not me, but my Kölsch came out at 1.041 at 6 gallons instead of the planned 1.048 at 6.5 gallons (kettle). Now I thought the grains felt a little light when I took them home, and I stirred them in fairly quickly. Turns out they thought I said 7 pounds of pilsner when I said 10.
