You know you did it wrong when...

Glass is brittle from new , wouldn't take much of an imperfection to create a weak spot .
Temp changes would have further weakened any flaws
It wouldn't happen in one of those fancy SS Brewteck conical fermentors now those baby's look the goods;).

Mmm probably wouldn't happen in a plastic bucket either lol:rolleyes: not sure how I'd fit one of the conicals in the freezer anyways
You hook up your picnic tap to sample a new keg, and the tap is locked in the open position.
You hook up your picnic tap to sample a new keg, and the tap is locked in the open position.
How did you do that? I have never heard of such a mistake:rolleyes:
How about leaving a tap open when hooking it up? Yup I've done that too.
I tell the wife when she hands me a towel, I was expelling the oxygen quickly.
How about when you make a homemade counterpressure bottle filler, to bottle off of the tap- and then when the picnic tap and racking cane tube come apart, and the beer (which is now under pressure, hence the term "counterpressure") shoots out of the bottle in a high velocity while you stand agape with an open picnic tap in one hand, and a spewing bottle in the other hand? 12 ounces of beer, shooting at your walls, computer, and ceiling with great force.

I will tell you this- you simply cannot NOT chug an entire bottle of pressurized beer by placing the racking cane into your mouth. You will choke. Perhaps that is obvious to some you whom are smarter than I am. I really thought that I was going to die.
Perhaps that is obvious to some you whom are smarter than I am. I really thought that I was going to die.
I think most of us who think this is "obvious" have had a very similar experience to yours.
My experiences have been fairly mild in comparison so far...mostly just trying to contain gushers from over carbed bottles.
Even those are pretty much impossible and lead to beer coming out various orifices and a mess in general.
Ha ha yep over carbed beer going the wrong way out ya nose :eek: ouch!!

I just wish I coulda been a fly on the wall:p.
When you open up your 6 keg (on tap) keezer, and the kegs are knee deep in 1/4" of beer. Seems I forgot to tighten a fitting when I cleaned one of the tap and line assemblies.
I'm sitting in my Brewing shed right now I just got a large stainless steel cart and converted my entire Brewery on to it ran all my wires and got everything done now I'm drinking a few beers
For some reason I cannot upload a photo it says it's too large
Thank you sir here's my rig


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Sheesh Crunk everything is soo shiny nice setup mate plenty of brewing pleasure to be had with that equipment. I bet that gas burner doesn't take long to get that pot boiling eh?
