Not sure this qualifies as did it wrong but just hit my strike temp so I lowered in the grain bag. This was the first oops but not the big oops. I've been doing 5 gallon BIAB batches in a 7 gallon kettle. I know it's a stretch so I typically plan my mash and boil to target 4 gallons in the fermenter and then I top it off to 5 as if it were an extract batch. I've had 2 batches come out very well this way but I decided today to chance it and target 5 gallons going into the fermenter, basically trying to push the envelope just to see if I could. Thought I had the mash volume calculated just right but I got some, not a ton though, of overflow.
So that was the first oops, this is the thing that had me panicking:
I get everything set with bag and I go for the lid to cover it so I can put a blanket over the whole thing and I couldn't find my lid!! I had it minutes before and had it right near the stove. I started freaking out about what to do without a lid, started to look everywhere but no lid! Looked on top of cupboards, in them, in the sink, on the floor, kitchen table, even wondered if I took it with me when I went to the basement for my mash paddle. I found the lid on the stairs going up to the 2nd floor. My toddler grabbed it off the counter and ran off with it when I wasn't looking. Took it rinsed it off good and now I'm in business. Now just need to hope I don't boil over, that'll be the real test.