Oh man bit embarrassed to post this but my beers gone from warm to FREEZING!

I'm winning the Hombrewer Knob Head award of the year so far

Guess what I did after discovering the plug had been knocked out on keezer somehow? Well in my panicked beer thirst state I plugged the Keezer directly into the Power bypassing the Inkbird controller so now it's bloody frozen

IDIOT I know!
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I did a mammoth day of yard work yesterday dug out and old stump, dug up my hop plant and sepperated it out, weeded and mulched and fertilized the beds and finally mowed all the lawns. While I was on the homeward stretch I was salivating for beer! Man when I pulled the lever and all i got was a puffft then dribble into the cup

what the! Ah I know I've dicconected the beer line that's when I popped the lid and saw the deep freeze dam no beer for me and that's the temp this morn.
Well I'm off the Sauce untill the beer thaws lol.