You know you did it wrong when...

Sonava..... @#$&+*!?
I use a plug for swishing the sanitizer around, boink, in it went
How in the name of the sweet baby Jesus an I going to get it out of there...
I did that once with one of mine, but luckily it was drilled for an airlock. I spent a good couple of hours with an electricians fish tape and some fish line to pull it out. Without a hole, I have zero ideas...

@Mase now that is pretty damn sweet!
Thanks for noticin (said with an Eeyore voice)
When you look at the bin you took white wheat out of and notice it says Premium Two Row after you nailed all of your mash temps . . .
When you think a great experiment is dry-hopping in the bottle, and you go to open it and the entire contents of the bottle shoot out on to the ceiling like a cannon.
When you think a great experiment is dry-hopping in the bottle, and you go to open it and the entire contents of the bottle shoot out on to the ceiling like a cannon.
When you think a great experiment is dry-hopping in the bottle, and you go to open it and the entire contents of the bottle shoot out on to the ceiling like a cannon.
I've had that happen with strawberries.
when you've had two of your finished beers and you're much drunker than anticipated... then you remember you took the gravity reading pre-boil, but not post... so your blonde finishes at 7.5% ABV instead of the anticipated 5%
