You think everything is going well until...
Until you know you did it wrong when
So I started out some time ago drilling a hole in the SIDE of my fridge to run the CO2 line in. First I drilled a small hole on the inside of the fridge, being very careful to not allow the drill to do any more than that. Success, poked around inside the hole, no refer lines. Drilled the hole ran the gas line, all good. Then i get my first tap same procedure, success again. Fast forward to Christmas day. I received another tap and a drip tray from my wife, so I got straight to work installing them in the SIDE of my fridge. Convinced now that there just aren't any reefer lines in the side walls of this fridge, no more careful test holes. Just went and drilled the hole for the tap and installed it, no problems. Now course you know that this just adds to my confidence that there are no refrig lines in the SIDE of this fridge... On to the drip tray, measure, mark and drill three holes, so far, so good . Install one screw, all goodg, then on to the second screw, two turns on the second screw, and then hisssssssssssssssssss. Well of course all one can do now is throw the screwdriver like it was somehow the screwdrivers fault, and say a pretty decent number of bad words...
The good ending to this story is that I found another fridge for $200 the next day and repeated the process. Only change of course is that I installed everything in the fridge door
Still have to figure out how to get the CO2 in, I just have it inside the fridge right now.