Hopefully this week I'll be able to brew twice. One will be my house Golden ale with rotating hops. This time will be Columbus, Azacca, and Comet. Instead of British yeast, I'll transfer on top of the Kolsch yeast cake currently in the keg. The other brew will be a brown lager; I've got it categorized as an Altbier, but I don't think it will be. Maybe a California common? I'll be using Ca Common lager yeast. The grain bill is 2 row, dark munich, honey malt, chocolate rye, and blackprinz for color. My brews are coming out consistently darker than the calculator predicts, so maybe I'll omit the blackprinz. I just want it to be definitively brown in color, not amber/copper/red. The only hop addition will be FWH so that the malt flavors are more pronounced. We'll see what it turns out like lol