What's your next brew

found it, I might have time now to participate in group functions this winter sorry I've been swamped
Even just brewing the quarterly recipe and giving us your impressions/tasting notes is great! Zoom meetings are optional (but very enjoyable)
Even just brewing the quarterly recipe and giving us your impressions/tasting notes is great! Zoom meetings are optional (but very enjoyable)

just moved am also remolding and I have a very extensive brewing system, I now down sized and things should faster and easier, before it took an entire day to brew
just moved am also remolding and I have a very extensive brewing system, I now down sized and things should faster and easier, before it took an entire day to brew
Would like a pic of the new brew system too on top of all that Ozarks:D!
Na good on ya man whatever makes brewing more easier and enjoyable ;).
This is what I'm hoping to brew this weekend.
As per recipie :
Going to no chill in kettle overnight but I'm also going to transfer into keg 19lt to save for another fermentation.
Will transfer off wort into no chill keg before adding sugar addition to kettle.
Will add half flame out Sazz hops to keg before racking over 30g.
Will do this at 10 to go.
See if the cane sugar brings some crispness ad well as mash schedule
This is what I'm hoping to brew this weekend.
As per recipie :
Going to no chill in kettle overnight but I'm also going to transfer into keg 19lt to save for another fermentation.
Will transfer off wort into no chill keg before adding sugar addition to kettle.
Will add half flame out Sazz hops to keg before racking over 30g.
Will do this at 10 to go.
See if the cane sugar brings some crispness ad well as mash schedule
How long do you plan to save the 19L wort that is in the keg?
This is what I'm hoping to brew this weekend.
As per recipie :
Going to no chill in kettle overnight but I'm also going to transfer into keg 19lt to save for another fermentation.
Will transfer off wort into no chill keg before adding sugar addition to kettle.
Will add half flame out Sazz hops to keg before racking over 30g.
Will do this at 10 to go.
See if the cane sugar brings some crispness ad well as mash schedule
Do you contain the hops in anything or just let them free float?
Do you contain the hops in anything or just let them free float?
I let them free.
Usually they sink to bottom of kettle and pretty much just transfer in wort mostly.
But with keg it'll be rough and ready I won't be able to control the hops so maybe I'll bag them in a paint strainer bag hmmm good call cheers sunfire.
Then I can just pick the bag out before up ending it into fermentor.
I let them free.
Usually they sink to bottom of kettle and pretty much just transfer in wort mostly.
But with keg it'll be rough and ready I won't be able to control the hops so maybe I'll bag them in a paint strainer bag hmmm good call cheers sunfire.
Then I can just pick the bag out before up ending it into fermentor.
I've done no chill twice now and have been thinking about how I would add hops to the fermenter lol but I'm serving from the same keg, so I think it would be best to contain them and remove before pitching the yeast
My plan is to do a West Coast IPA and a kolsch next. But I seem to always change my brewing plans last minute :) maybe I should buy the ingredients now so I'm shoehorned into committing
I'm brewing a malty Munich Dunkel this weekend based on Nosybear's suggestion, simple recipe with just 3 grains

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I weighed the grains and set aside the (say it in French) accoutrements for a milk chocolate peanut butter porter. It will be my first time using lactose, toasting my own cocoa nibs, and using PB2. This one is PB2 with cocoa.
The plan is to toss the lactose in for the last 10 minutes of the boil.
.. to toast the nibs in 5 minute intervals until they smell right. Throw them in when I pitch the yeast.
.. stir the PB2wC into a whirlpool at flame out.
No secondary, the nibs and PB will do their work in one fermenter. I'll probably let that ride for 3 to 4 weeks and then package. Fingers crossed.
Put in an order at the brewshop for my next 2 brews: a West coast IPA and a kolsch. I meant to brew the IPA sooner, but needed to build up some yeast. I'll use the yeast cake of BRY97 from my last golden ale and transfer the wort right on top. For the kolsch I'll be trying another no chill batch.
