What are you drinking right now?

My O-fest Ale really didn't pan out. It might age into something relatively drinkable, but I'm not holding out hope.
I ran a similar recipe this last weekend to get another batch going for fast turn-around and catch the last of October with it. I used a little more complex grain bill and mashed a little bigger, still intending to use S-04. When I got it mashed and boiled, it was looking and smelling so good I decided I'd make an honest beer of it and use a lager yeast and give it a little more time and enjoy it a little later in the season.
So...on to Novemberfest!! :D
nothing really special this week.. Lagunitas Born Yesterday, had some Courtyard beers, Agronomy by Urban Family, some other crap, clocked into 500 on untappd too, finally.

Margaritas in the meantime.
Well let's see... Bell's brown ale, stone ipa, 2 or 3 days Flying dog truth imperial IPAs

Today was a good day, despite work, didn't even have to bust out my ak
Brulosophers Tiny Bottom Pale Ale clarity perfect Fuggles hop aroma


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On my 3rd or 4th one of an English black ale thing I did. Slight bit of roasty-ness alongside the east kent goldings, goes down way too easy

Think I've got a winner here
an assortment since this past weekend.
Paulaner Oktoberfest.
Sungasm by Finch.
Snap Down by Wasatch, a pretty good session IPL...
Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout.
Bellhaven's Scottish Oat Stout.
New Belgium Flowering Citrus Ale, which is a Tripel and got a free 25th anniversary glass.
NOLA A.L.S. Farmhouse IPA, i guess it benefits the disease? At least i didn't have to pour anything over my head.............
Passion Fruit Pinner from Oskar Blues..
Maximator by Augustiner-Bräu München... oh yes.

And tonight, Gouden Carolus Cuvée van de Keizer
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA
Bell's Oberon in a unreasonably large goblet glass
Plus a Budweiser in a bottle, which was labeled America. I'm not ashamed to say how much i love budweiser.
Last night: Pre-Prohibition style pale ale. Right now, free coffee from the canteen at work. Positives about that, it has caffeine and the price is right.
Rêve Coffee Stout by Parish Brewing Co. is pretty good. Surprisingly good blend of coffee and what tasted like some kind of citrusy hops, definitely had a little tangy hop kick in it.

edit: had an EKU 28 from the bottle tonight, never heard of it, but the 11% Doppelbock aspect caught my attention. Pretty smooth and easy for 11%.
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Thinking about doing a Kentucky Breakfast Stout soon.... It has lots of chocolate and coffee in it. I'm thinking about replacing the boil coffee addition with chicory. It'll be a double-digit beer and should be ready for the height of ski season.
beer festival today! NOLA On Tap with over 400 beers. wooo!
You lucky bastard
Ahhh! It was soooo good! First time at this festival, wasn't cramper, super laid back, dog friendly, i met sooooo many dogs. I had a great time today. Home brewers area was absolutely killing. Had some awesome conversations and beers today, AND got some great inspiration.

Happy autumn to some of you, it was in the upper 80s in New Orleans today. Brewing a SMaSH tomorrow with Munich and Blanc, + Wyeast German Ale, should be ready for "autumn"... or whatever that means in Louisiana.
I drank all of the odd tastes and my Amber Bock finally cleared and became perfect, i was worried, whew now 8 gallons of haven lol so its a Amber Bock night
Ahhh! It was soooo good! First time at this festival, wasn't cramper, super laid back, dog friendly, i met sooooo many dogs. I had a great time today. Home brewers area was absolutely killing. Had some awesome conversations and beers today, AND got some great inspiration.

Happy autumn to some of you, it was in the upper 80s in New Orleans today. Brewing a SMaSH tomorrow with Munich and Blanc, + Wyeast German Ale, should be ready for "autumn"... or whatever that means in Louisiana.
Your thoughts on your favourite beer you tasted there if you can remember. And which beers you hoping to replicate any recpie ideas:p.
I drank all of the odd tastes and my Amber Bock finally cleared and became perfect, i was worried, whew now 8 gallons of haven lol so its a Amber Bock night
I was just saying yesterday I'd like to make an Amber Bock. Eventually, I'll brew something up that alley.
image.jpeg Gunna be drinking moctoberfest which I've bottled for first time using keg kings nifty reverse pressure bottle filler see pic. Great for taking brews with ya like for bbq sweet mate :p.
Your thoughts on your favourite beer you tasted there if you can remember. And which beers you hoping to replicate any recpie ideas:p.
might be too late to brew, but first time i had Stone Citrusy Wit, need to a do some kind of hoppy citra witbier in the future. Maybe a session Mardi Gras thing would be cool... there were a lot of beers i didn't check in from the home-brew section. This one guy had a barley wine, or at least he called it that, extremely pale for a barley wine and an absurd amount of berries were in it. One of the smoothest 11% beers i've ever had. And of course the LHBS guys had some great stuff too, their belgian ale with White Labs 570, quite good.
