What are you drinking right now?

I thought that's pretty much what "they" do serve now at octoberfest?

Yup I think too much caramunich.

I used eclipse wheat in mine to get the colour .
Pretty sure Festbier is the current Oktoberfest style in Germany these days. But a lot of American breweries want to produce a Marzen and rely on caramel malt to get the color
Yep Festbier is current in Munich. American Oktoberfest beers are usually too sweet for me.
American Stout.

Pipeline is flowing again. Let’s go!

I had a DB amber ale recently. It was memorable. An Applebees in Lexington VA.
They're not my favorite brewery...but it was a local Oktoberfest and the labels looked easily removable. I was wrong about the labels...
