What are you drinking right now?

I think I am going to try this recipe again real soon; but this time would like to get a little closer replicate to the stella. I think getting a full fermentation is critical as it is low abv anyway. but what about getting that "shipping container too long " skunkyneas? not sure how else to describe it
Havin a beer after a wood workin day in the shed it csn be dangerous working within a couple of steps of the kegerator:D.


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Love the angle of the picture - makes it easier to believer you may have tapped that kegerator a few times! What is that delicious looking beverage?
It's a lager I added some of me light home roasted malt in it. Check out the roast your own thread to see the process but be careful you won't look at the oven the same anymore :D. Cheers
Taste testing the Barleywine of the season.
9.98% fully force carbonated but still has a green beer feel/taste after 54 days from birth.
Still a little thick even with a FG of 1.009. but it has that I will be better with time attitude.
24-12oz bottles will go into the cellar. Will leave the rest on tap.
Surprisingly not hot from alcohol but a warming mouth feel. mmm
Cheers mate not endeavoured to venture down the long aging barely wine path. Enjoying the last few of that Pilsner I brewed awhile back.
Had the mother in law over tonight and her partner and I surved them up some passionfruit saison. Mother in law half way through goes oh this is a bit alcoholic :p. But I'm suprised the old duck loved it:D.
A friend of my housemate outright demanded to try some of my homebrew just now ....he he he ....only cold brew I offered was a super funky, high ABV rye saison for club members that is great for what it is but simply won't appeal to many .

Hoping they'll leave my beer alone from now on :cool:
@Head First hey just kicked that 20lt keg mate how you going with your pils you brewed.
I found mine gets more citrusy the older it gets i had the same effects but quicker last pils round Christmas ssme grist but ale yeast and cascade fuggles hops in. Anyhow last one looks the goods kegs clear for saison now.
@Head First hey just kicked that 20lt keg mate how you going with your pils you brewed.
I found mine gets more citrusy the older it gets i had the same effects but quicker last pils round Christmas ssme grist but ale yeast and cascade fuggles hops in. Anyhow last one looks the goods kegs clear for saison now.View attachment 1282

Blew that one last week sometime. I have help with mine so a keg only lasts about a week. It was sparkling the last half of keg.
Just kegged a Bock that I almost ruined with 5lbs of Caramunich I in 20 gal. To much of that stuff for my tastes. Could have only used 1lb and would have balanced. The other 12gal of that batch I added 2lbs of C-60 and its still lagering. Was thinking a Marzen but it will be a sweet one. Might have to mix this one with lemonade to drink it. Don't know what I was thinking with all that Caramunich.
After force carbing it calmed down to drinkable malty lager. Very malty so didn't balance with light hopping for my taste.
Sunday arvo tipple the larger is really clearing up after a few weeks in the keg nice caramel flavour from home roasted malt cheers everyone hope your enjoying your time:).


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I'm drinking a pale ale that seems to never get old. It's one of those beers that is good with pretty much anything.


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@Head First hey just kicked that 20lt keg mate how you going with your pils you brewed.
I found mine gets more citrusy the older it gets i had the same effects but quicker last pils round Christmas ssme grist but ale yeast and cascade fuggles hops in. Anyhow last one looks the goods kegs clear for saison now.View attachment 1282
Looks delicious
Pulled out a Huckleberry Saison brewed 9/2015. Huckleberry aroma but only a hint of huck flavor.
Tart and dry as I remembered it, not much change over time.
Used 1 gallon berrys in 10 gallon brew added in secondary. After this I started putting fruit in primary to save a racking.


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Oh that looks nice there headfirst. My berrie saison turned out a brown saison from not adding enough fruit :rolleyes:.
