What are you drinking right now?

What did you pay? I hope it was cheap
I don't recall but i think it was 17.99 for a 12 pack. I don't shop at Costco often but had to try this as I have had beer from the brewery before while in Oregon.
That's not bad but the stuff Deschutes contract brews is not the same as there brew pub stuff. Its called label brewing. A lot of restaurants around here have beers made for them by local breweries and they are descent. They tend to be lighter styles which is fine. Brewers gotta eat to.
That's not bad but the stuff Deschutes contract brews is not the same as there brew pub stuff. Its called label brewing. A lot of restaurants around here have beers made for them by local breweries and they are descent. They tend to be lighter styles which is fine. Brewers gotta eat to.
It was actually 13.99 for a 12 pack. I have had a few of their beers at a few brew pubs and they are decent.

Just the right amount of malt, sweetness, carbonation and low buzz-ability for a session.
Yes I used to make a cream ale before I brewed lagers. Now I brew the Pre Pro instead. It always reminds taste and smell of the beer my dad would give me a taste of his in the 60s before all the NY breweries closed and all you could get was mass market crap.
Nothing like a good old regional NAIL...Hamms, Nantucket, Balentine, National Boh, Rolling Rock, Olympic...
I tried a Cream Ale at a local watering hole last night. I wasnt too impressed. Hamms would have been better.
I make my pre pro and cream ale with Kellogg's Corn flakes. Comes out good.
I might almost think about gradual temperature increases like I would brew a Belgian for the next lager instead of a D rest with my pitch rate. This thing came alive within a week after carbing. I wonder if it was the colder temps. It is f ing good.
Something close to a Dortmunder Export. It is 74% Floor Malted Pils, 18% Vienna, 8% Munich I. 34/70 yeast. Hallertau Mittelfrueh hops. 6%
SG 1.060 FG 1.015. I wanted more IBSs (I'm at 22 even with 3 oz hops), but the Alphas were very low. I did 2 oz at 60 and 1 at 10.
I f ed up my mash temps over compensating for how cold it was. It ended up mashing at 154. I couldn't do a true D rest because of the garage temps during the cold spell, but this is a happy mistake.
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busy week finally over. Had to work 5 nights of games this week. That’s basically 4-5 extra hours after a school day while dealing with refs, coaches and stupid fans.
Some Mild for me
Moderation is good. I try to limit myself to maybe a couple beers a day. I try to limit the ABV in my beer between 4.5 and 6% or at minimum have a low and a higher on tap. Fortunately for me anyway I don't have to go out much anymore. Got to work to stay healthy.
