What are you doing with homebrew today?

I had the roasted barley on the top, so I might go back to the homebrew store before I make this and buy a couple ounces of roasted barely and crystal 80--Idk.
If your LHBS is close by, this is what I'd do. If it's a pain, and even if it isn't, I think going with what you got will be just fine too.
reading, listening to brewing podcasts and planning my next brew. Probably Saturday outside in the snow.

It will be a beer I call Holschuh Biergarten. Mix of Weyerman Munich and Pilsner, upper 20s IBU, White labs Munich 860 dry yeast. I’ll take my time and do a decoction as I have been on lagers since last spring. Temps should be good for a nice clean fermentation. Basically it’s a Kellerbier in style.
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reading, listening to brewing podcasts and planning my next brew. Probably Saturday outside in the snow.

It will be a beer I call Holschuh Biergarten. Mix of Weyerman Munich and Pilsner, upper 20s IBU, White labs Munich 860 dry yeast. I’ll take my time and do a decoction as I have been on lagers since last spring. Temps should be good for a nice clean fermentation.
How long is your brew day when you use a decoction?
Brewed a MoreBeer kit today, American Ale
Success, nothing on the floor!
What's your experience with MoreBeer? Good kit? I'm wanting to get back into it, but no LHBS now. Was kinda nice going in and tweaking what I wanted in a recipe kit and he had a HUGE library of recipes and a wide range of styles. You ever order just base malts and other ingredients from them?
What's your experience with MoreBeer? Good kit? I'm wanting to get back into it, but no LHBS now. Was kinda nice going in and tweaking what I wanted in a recipe kit and he had a HUGE library of recipes and a wide range of styles. You ever order just base malts and other ingredients from them?
I’ve had good experience with them. I don’t order kits so I can’t comment on those. Liquid Yeast has been fresh when I’ve ordered it.
Morebeer works for me, since I have no local brew shop, they work real good..
We should have a thread on the forum here some where that lists brew shops with their info.
maybe in the tools section.
Today I cleaned some old kegs I had kicking around. A couple sanke kegs. I ordered a couple adapters for them and get rid of the spears and convert to ball locks. Also repaired a pin lock corney keg. Also ordered new o rings and connectors. Oh and started cold crashing a beer I have fermenting. Brew day coming up soon
We should have a thread on the forum here some where that lists brew shops with their info.
maybe in the tools section.
One of the best ideas I've seen yet. Maybe a small db that sorts by location (zip code), or area code, or something so someone can easily find a LHBS or a not-so-LHBS. Include URL's for all that have online catalogs, etc. Even if it's done in Excel, a spreadsheet that can be d/l in either XLSX or PDF format for those that don't have Excel. Searchable would be great, and even throw them a bone for advertising here? What better audience could they ask for?
How long is your brew day when you use a decoction?
I guess it depends on how many decoctions you do. A single not any longer a triple maybe more. I do a double
I'll pull my first at 25min in then return it at 40 min in then pull another at about 55min then use that as the mashout infusion at at around 70min. So if you're worried about time just do a single and mashout at 60. I go 48f to 58f to 170f. Probably not "traditional" but like we mentioned we are using modified grains so we don't have to worry about sugar conversion
