What are you doing with homebrew today?

Nice, I know people make these at home, but I thought it might be a little out of my wheelhouse. If it saves me $ and isn't too hard, I might try it in the future. I have a few brewing books, but this is one of the most recommended that I do not have yet. Sounds like I should pick it up.
I have a counterflow chiller I used on the 10-15 gallon batches I used to do. i have returned to 5 gallon batches and now use my immersion chiller with a simple ice bath. Just easier with my setup. But the counterflow is better for larger batches hands down
I keep hearing and reading some about this "no chill" method. I guess I'm skeptical about it, but it sounds pretty easy, so maybe I'll give it a go sometime.
You could do a combo. Ive done no chill. I'd fill a bin with cold water and some frozen blocks and just leave it overnight and pitch in the morning. The key is good sanitation and cover it. Ive also made saisons and left the fermenter outside and open overnight with no ill effects.
It is a very good book to learn.
I saw some wort chillers on Amazon that weren't too bad, but you have to look at the options. I actually like my stainless one better than my copper one. I bought the copper when I started brewing, and one of the brewery owners gave me the stainless steel one when he was getting rid of the pilot system for something much bigger.
