What are you doing with homebrew today?

While cleaning maple leaves from my roof and rain gutters, I was thinking ahead to tomorrow and brewing an IPA. Then it dawned on me. I can’t brew tomorrow, as I have an appointment for a haircut. Damn, I was so ready to brew, but I am also very ready for a haircut. So Sunday will be Brew Day!
Q4 this weekend,
after kegging my Voss Blonde

I'll be using a little vienna in the Q4 recipe as I have no Maris otter.
And it will be a Voss beer again
Was actually yesterday, but bumped up the temp for DR on my latest SMaSH to 21C. Gonna let it sit till Sunday and then start crashing it. Still has a strange color, but a wonderful bready aroma when I opened the fridge to remove/clean the collection ball. The goop in the ball smelled like I just walked into a bakery, so I ain’t gonna worry yet. Just gotta let S-33 run its course. Looks like I managed to get most of the non-fermentable glop out of the batch on transfer to the fermenter. The trub in the collection ball was all white, no usual brown sediment mixed in. I’m gonna assume it was nearly all yeast. Woulda made a good starter I reckon, perhaps several. Next batch is a stout, though and I don’t like keeping repitch more than a couple weeks.

Currently working on a material list for the new brew shed for budgeting.
Since I collected a jar of slurry from my recently bottle batch of Amber Ale, I have decided that I will use that on my upcoming batch of IPA. The slurry was generated by Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast, so it should work fine in my IPA. The only real difference it makes in the recipe is to raise the projected FG by a couple points.
Wanna be Wheat beer is in the keg in water bath running wild in my shed :)

Gunna do a dryhop on this one both batches smelled magnificent this morning after their overnight chill down.

I'll let this just warm up I've got some Ice bricks in the water so this should start it fairly cool.

Wort temp was 22c going in but I'm expecting at least another Celsius drop.
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While cleaning maple leaves from my roof and rain gutters, I was thinking ahead to tomorrow and brewing an IPA. Then it dawned on me. I can’t brew tomorrow, as I have an appointment for a haircut. Damn, I was so ready to brew, but I am also very ready for a haircut. So Sunday will be Brew Day!
Come on Herm you've got to get your priorities straight! You hair will still be there next week. :p
Come on Herm you've got to get your priorities straight! You hair will still be there next week. :p
For me, putting off a haircut means months down the road. I got it out of the way, so I’m good now for a few/several months.
And despite my best intentions, IPA brew day is Monday (tomorrow).
I am preparing to brew my Best IPA +. The “+” stands for the addition of an ounce each of unmalted hard red wheat and rolled oats. I slept on the suggestions given by my Brewer’s Friends (imaginary or real) and decided that if nothing is ventured, then nothing is gained. I bet it turns out just fine.
This is spent beer grain from yesterday’s batch of Best IPA+, all dried now and ready for storage. I will add this to my bag of dried grains from my recent Amber Ale. Whenever I make sourdough bread, I grind 50 grams of this into flour, using it to replace an equal measure of all purpose flour. I am thinking of making some pizza dough with some spent beer grain flour.
