What are you doing with homebrew today?

I have become accustomed to VOSS
Brewing on a Saturday and having it on tap 7 days later after a 2 day cold crash
US-05, chugging away for for 4 days now, Craigerr must be patient
What temperature are you using for Voss?
I'm considering this as well.
I've now got 2 CO2 cylinders and I know where to fill them.
Now I need to find out if I can get a spare regulator, just in case it packs up due to condensation.
I burst carb, but it takes as long as the set & forget as I do this with daily bursts of 30 psi, with keg in fridge and cylinder outside.
It works though
I did a first burst of 30PSI to set the seal and then shut it off. That was it, and I then reset it to a point that I thought was 12PSI and turned it back on in the morning. That has worked MUCH better. I'm curious to see how this will work next with the Belgian I am planning as that is going to need some more pressure.
Checked on the SMaSH I brewed yesterday. I filled the air lock with StarSan, which is merrily foaming on top of the airlock as the bell jumps up and down like a little league shortstop. Got the temp set for 19C till it quits, then will crash to 6C for a week, and DR at 21C for a day before bottling. Hopefully I get time to get the stout on in time for Christmas.
I have 2 fermenters at my disposal for brewing beer (3 if you count the 1 gallon FerMonster that is being used for cider). Since the fermenter that I will need for my Vienna Garage Lager is currently occupied by an Amber Ale, today I decided to work up a new IPA recipe that will make use of hops I have on hand, which are Nugget for bittering, Chinook late in the boil, Centennial whirlpooled, and Mosaic as a dry hop. Once I get my Amber Ale bottled, then I will use that Speidel fermenter for the Vienna Lager. And I am always good with a tasty IPA.
Checked on the SMaSH I brewed yesterday. I filled the air lock with StarSan, which is merrily foaming on top of the airlock as the bell jumps up and down like a little league shortstop. Got the temp set for 19C till it quits, then will crash to 6C for a week, and DR at 21C for a day before bottling. Hopefully I get time to get the stout on in time for Christmas.
I might suggest doing the rest for a day or two before you cold crash, and then bottling cold.

Thinking it over carefully, I do suggest it.
I might suggest doing the rest for a day or two before you cold crash, and then bottling cold.

Thinking it over carefully, I do suggest it.
Hmm, that's actually the way I normally do it, LOL. Just wrote it backward. Always have condensate on the bottles after capping. Couple days for the DR you think? (just over 4 gallons in the batch). Got it running at 19 C at the moment. Waddayafigger, 22 for the DR? Warmer? Cooler? Looks like the 'ideal' temp range for S-33 is 18-26 C.

I was incorrect about the yeast being US-05. It's S-33 Belgian Ale Yeast. Looked in the fridge to see what I have left in there, and distinctly remember having two S-33's when I did the last SMaSH. Only one peeking out at me now. Doesn't flocculate as well as US-05, but it's what I had. I guess I put in another variable (repitch/much higher yeast count) in this over the last SMaSH. But it made no sense to not use the reasonably fresh slurry I already had. Shouldn't be a big factor, other than perhaps making it a little bit dryer, which is what I need at a much higher OG (1.058) than what I had with the previous SMaSH. I really should have added some water to the batch to make up a little volume and cut the OG a bit. Hoping for a good strong one (just to see if I can do fermentation control as well as I think I should be able to). Working on techniques as well as getting clean(er) batches for exploring different malts and hops, just to see what I like.

Gonna go check temp and activity again after finishing my (2nd) coffee.
Not doing much, checked fermentation and Voss is nicely bubbling away.
Now going to have a drink and come up with a plan for a second fermentation/mash house cooler box set up. Lined with duvet.
So I figure, if I put my bigger cooler on it's side, it should fit another fermenter.
Man, I feel clever half way through my second ice cold mosi after spending most of the day working outside in the heat
Hmm, that's actually the way I normally do it, LOL. Just wrote it backward. Always have condensate on the bottles after capping. Couple days for the DR you think? (just over 4 gallons in the batch). Got it running at 19 C at the moment. Waddayafigger, 22 for the DR? Warmer? Cooler? Looks like the 'ideal' temp range for S-33 is 18-26 C.

I was incorrect about the yeast being US-05. It's S-33 Belgian Ale Yeast. Looked in the fridge to see what I have left in there, and distinctly remember having two S-33's when I did the last SMaSH. Only one peeking out at me now. Doesn't flocculate as well as US-05, but it's what I had. I guess I put in another variable (repitch/much higher yeast count) in this over the last SMaSH. But it made no sense to not use the reasonably fresh slurry I already had. Shouldn't be a big factor, other than perhaps making it a little bit dryer, which is what I need at a much higher OG (1.058) than what I had with the previous SMaSH. I really should have added some water to the batch to make up a little volume and cut the OG a bit. Hoping for a good strong one (just to see if I can do fermentation control as well as I think I should be able to). Working on techniques as well as getting clean(er) batches for exploring different malts and hops, just to see what I like.

Gonna go check temp and activity again after finishing my (2nd) coffee.
I allow the same time for a diacetyl rest as it took for normal fermentation, and I usually bump up the temperature 3-6 F for an ale.
