What are you doing with homebrew today?

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That's what I got so far.
Yeast is Kveik Voss, mash 1 hour at 67 oC
I just bottled my latest Amber Ale. In a departure from my normal practice of holding in primary for a minimum of 3 weeks, I “rushed” this batch at 17 days so that I could share some with friends who are hosting us for Thanksgiving. This batch used Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast, starting at 1.057 and fermenting down to 1.013, right on target, for an abv of ~5.8%
Now the fermenter that I will use for my Vienna Garage Lager is available, but I have an IPA ready to brew first, likely this Saturday. If I can keep up this momentum, that first lager might get brewed early next week!
A splash of roast malt would darken that up some if ya got some on hand I'd think 2-3% would give it some redish hues?
I think I have some that I roasted for another beer but never used.
So no vienna?
I decreased crystal a bit as mine is 120 instead of Ozarks 90
In a departure from my normal practice of holding in primary for a minimum of 3 weeks, I “rushed” this batch at 17 days
That's pretty much my standard schedule. Primary for 18 days and cold crash for 2-3 days. That allows me to brew on one weekend and bottle on the third weekend afterwards.
That's pretty much my standard schedule. Primary for 18 days and cold crash for 2-3 days. That allows me to brew on one weekend and bottle on the third weekend afterwards.
I used to do everything on Mondays, because Monday was my day off. Now every day is Monday, or Wednesday, or whatever, so I have kind of lost my schedule. And that is OK, there is no stress. The biggest difference in my brewing is that the lhbs is closed on Sunday. When I lived in SoCal, I had 2 lhbs that were open 7 days a week. In any case, I am brewing more now than ever, and making better beer, for the most part.
