They finally spent their first night in the pen last night. They’re only 4 weeks (maybe 5 for some of them) but the weather has been perfect for getting them outside. (HOT and DRY). Took a little coaxing and a manual override of the automatic door to get them in the coop right at dusk, then had to go back after dark and put them on the roost. They’ve been in a brooder with no roosts, so one more thing to teach them. They have been going in and out of the coop all day, so maybe they’ll be less hesitant about going in tonight. Fingers crossed. I’m also trying to change the water dispenser to the type with small cups and peck valves in a 5 gallon bucket so there’s less waste and contamination where they drink. So far, they like to get on top of it so they’re taller than all the others. . If it wasn’t so hot and the girls were a little older, I’d force the issue by taking the other waterer out. I may just move the one they’re used to inside the coop to make them more likely to check out the new waterer. I did that last night. It’s pretty amazing how fast they learn, but they can be dumber than a bag of hammers about some things that are supposed to be instinct.
Get chickens they said. It’ll be fun they said. So far I’ve had continuous requests for chicken housing, furniture, and toys to take up what used to be my afternoon brewing/nap time.
Unfortunately, chicken math has not been working to my best interest. I’ve already overheard some plotting for larger run space and more birds. This is what normally happens when I cave in about having critters. I’m not sure the missus understands how many eggs 8 prolific layers will produce. Even if it’s just 4 eggs per chicken per week, that’s 1664 eggs per year. Some of the breeds we have are good for up to 8 eggs per week. (2-Rhode Island Red, 2-Australorp, 3-Barred Plymouth Rock, 1-Ameraucana). Dats a lotta eggs, especially since we use less than a dozen per week (624 eggs per year). And she wants more chickens?????? WTH are we going to do with that many eggs? So much for having a beer fridge…..
I’ve already told her that she’s gonna have to be a good egg sales person.
Now that most of the time consuming part of rearing chicken babies is done, MAYBE I can get back to some brewing.