I brewed today!

5.75 Gallons of Gruit (yes... Gruit) in the fermenter! Long brewday today...
Why yes! Yes you are! You can Google Gruit to get all the definition your heart may desire, but the short answer is... bitters from non-hops! Cranberries! 4 oz. of them. And some mulling spices (0.5 oz) for that added flavor.

Never had it before, but curiosity got the best of us, so we gave it a try. The malts and cranberries and the mulling spices taste fantastic from the gravity sample prior to yeast pitch.

Keeping fingers crossed that once the sugar is converted, and it's cold and carb'd, that it'll taste as good or better then it does now and it's yummy now!

It's definitely a potential holiday beer and that's why we brewed it so early and "off season". If we like it, we can improve on the flavor a from there.

I must admit, I tried to convince my wife to add some Citra at flameout as citrus goes well with cranberries and mulling spices, but then it wouldn't be a "Gruit".

After 24 hours, this baby is boiling in the fermenter. The blow off tube is bubbling more than once a second!

OG spec is 1.054 and that's what we hit.

Anyone had a Gruit (brewed or tasted) that can shed some light on it for me and the rest of the readers?
Why yes! Yes you are! You can Google Gruit to get all the definition your heart may desire, but the short answer is... bitters from non-hops! Cranberries! 4 oz. of them. And some mulling spices (0.5 oz) for that added flavor.

Never had it before, but curiosity got the best of us, so we gave it a try. The malts and cranberries and the mulling spices taste fantastic from the gravity sample prior to yeast pitch.

Keeping fingers crossed that once the sugar is converted, and it's cold and carb'd, that it'll taste as good or better then it does now and it's yummy now!

It's definitely a potential holiday beer and that's why we brewed it so early and "off season". If we like it, we can improve on the flavor a from there.

I must admit, I tried to convince my wife to add some Citra at flameout as citrus goes well with cranberries and mulling spices, but then it wouldn't be a "Gruit".

After 24 hours, this baby is boiling in the fermenter. The blow off tube is bubbling more than once a second!

OG spec is 1.054 and that's what we hit.

Anyone had a Gruit (brewed or tasted) that can shed some light on it for me and the rest of the readers?
I can attest that i have tried this but once with dandelion a while back whan brewing extract. I didnt do me homework and ended up addingnthe root and leaves in the boil. YUCK Yuck extremely Bitter!:eek:.
Ive since found you add the flower making sure to get no green stem bits ha ha.

But me being me sticking to my moto of " drink every mistake" made an absolute mess of my self drinking that stuff :p.

So yeah ive not returned to the ye old Gruit style my friend.
Well then I will definitely update about 5 weeks from now, and maybe even when I sample, er uh... get a gravity reading at the end of this week. :)

And I can only imagine how the green stem Gruit tasted :confused:
Got a saison ready to brew today.

Belgian Pale, flaked corn, and a little bit of white wheat. Pilsen DME for gravity.
Touch of Magnum to bitter, Saaz @45, Amarillo @5

Going to pitch Wy3724 Belgian Saison, and a half pack of Danstar Belle Saison to help it along. I'll make a small starter and pitch the other half if it still stalls.
Anyone want to come over and do all these dishes now that brewday is finished?
Smooth no drama brewday :cool: my favorite, numbers all came in as expected


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Brewed the fourth in the Helles Projekt: Vienna Malt.
since the heavy rains ruined my spring gardening I let the main garden weeds grow a foot tall, I've spent the last 3 days bringing my dirt back and ready to plant green beans, finally tilled and level so with that done time to brew my 10 gallons of Oktoberfest concentrate, this should be close to drinking on the 4th
well that was a blast, this is third generation yeast and trub so thinking this might need a little help I added extra nutrient and oxygen, well that was a mistake, darn thing erupted and blew half the Krausen out the tube my half gallon jar was full the next day now its loping and gasping for air,Ive got a live wire here, could be really bad or very good ;)
well that was a blast, this is third generation yeast and trub so thinking this might need a little help I added extra nutrient and oxygen, well that was a mistake, darn thing erupted and blew half the Krausen out the tube my half gallon jar was full the next day now its loping and gasping for air,Ive got a live wire here, could be really bad or very good ;)
Looks like the yeasties are healthy at your place Ozarks your giving them great conditions to work in happy yeast = happy me and happy beer. That's a good beer name Happy Beer...
my saison has stalled at 1035 because I used Wy3724 Belgian Saison.

So, currently waiting for some boiled water to cool off, going to rehydrate a pack of Belle Saison and pitch that.
I bought a big bag of amylase enzyme just for that reason, so far I haven't needed it
Brewing triple batch 60 l of IPA tonight , got both stirplates running to build up enough yeast from a single smackpack of 1272 and save some for building up again .
Brewing triple batch 60 l of IPA tonight , got both stirplates running to build up enough yeast from a single smackpack of 1272 and save some for building up again .View attachment 1683
Snazzy stir plates Mark! Very envious:).
60lt in one kettle? Your really upping your game mate. Good luck hope you hit your numbers and everything runs smoothly.
