I brewed today!

since my brew day takes about 7 hours and 2 of it is preparation and cleanup its just nice once and a while

7 Hours ?? jeeeez i'd be rolling drunk by the end of it ! i clean as i go where possible , most of my prep is done ahead of time but until i buy a mill to crush my malt will have to plan ahead and make up my grainbill , visit a friend to mill it and stay sober enough to drive home
I do it all on the spot and first do a 1 hour clean out of all pots, hoses an pipes, I have a big system
One thing I've never liked about Brewers Best kits is that it seems they're designed for 5 gallons ending kettle. That will never get you 5 gallons of finished product. I upped my ending kettle to 6 gallons, maybe it was 5-1/2, and hit the gravity I was looking for with no extra malt additions. Score!!
Do you know what I forgot about extract brewing? The big dark spot you get on the bottom of the brew kettle if you don't stir the extract sufficiently!!
I have one of those now in my 5 gallon pot and tried everything but sand paper and not coming off I guess
tried Citric acid ? safe on SS but unsure how it goes with alloys .

I get a gum build up on the electric element of my urn particularly when i use a lot of rye and a small boil with acid brings it up like new
SS? Don't you mean MM??:p

I used a double dose of OneStep, ScotchBrite, and more elbow grease than I had. But it looks better now than it has in a long time. Just like new.
Yeah. I loaned a friend my pot. He didn't notice that it had some burnt on stuff before he used it. He apologized profusely that he couldn't get it clean. I told him to try harder!!:D
always put rice in last, flaked, dry or whole, last last last, lesson learned lol
Do you know what I forgot about extract brewing? The big dark spot you get on the bottom of the brew kettle if you don't stir the extract sufficiently!!
Ewww.... That generally only happens to you once. I got it off the bottom of my kettle but it was painful enough I'll never add extract to wort with the flame on.
Brewed an English Common Bitter on Sunday, it is still fermenting nicely today.
Team brewday today
Triple batch of golden ale
5.2% in the keg and a easy drinking 35 IBU
Some fancy new toys to play with today and we accidentally froze the glycol chiller unit up :-(

Wall of bling after cleanup
Team brewday here too. I brewed an Amber Ale today (floor), and a Belgian Saison yesterday. My assistant is all thumbs!! :D:p


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I have a brew buddy like that, he even likes spent grain, very patient to wait till it cools, he got in a hurry one day and I think it traumatized him lol
Got 5.5 gallons of American Pale Ale in the fermentor. Should be a good one.
