Home made pizza

I think I should be eating pizza tonite:p
I figured out how to make the perfect crispy crust, I bar baked a thin crust then froze it, but be careful it can get very hard and crispy, trial and error is needed
So totally winging it, no scale, and in a different state.
Based on the feel, I'm guessing 70-72% hydration.
I found some Himalayan pink salt, and a bit of sugar from the coffee shop this morning.
The store had bread flour and yeast, so I'm good there.
So far, hydration, fold, couple hour rise, 2 minutes of kneading and off to the fridge for overnight.
I'll divide by eye in the morning and ball up.
Bake off tomorrow night.
Had a good pizza last night, pan type, very good

Based on the feel, I'm guessing 75% hydration.
Really hard to handle but worked out ok I guess
The center was a bit wet, but the crust was great
475° oven for 8 minutes on a pan and the 3 minutes on the rack.
Overall, not bad
Ten pizzas Brian? Are there a lot of guys or just a few really hungry ones? :)
I should be checking on my sourdough starter. I've been neglecting mother for 6-7 weeks :eek:
Ten pizzas Brian? Are there a lot of guys or just a few really hungry ones? :)
7 players, 3 wives and a girlfriend.
Actually, there were 2 more (gluten reduced) that I pre-baked the shells.
So 12 in all.
Plenty of extras!


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