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Hi Minbari,

Just wanted to say a massive thanks for your response on my post about not tasting the hops. I added the lower end of your recommendation when it comes to hops and as a result I've had some amazing tasting beer. I think i'm going to up the volumes even more to be inline with your mid-high recs!

All the best,

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Not a problem man. We all learn as we go. I learn new stuff here all the time.
Water chem is more important than people give it credit for. It can have a subtle effect or dramatic.
Keep brewing and experimenting, once you have a feel for what works. It gets easier
Hi Yooper,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for your response on my post about not tasting the hops. I did a brew following your recommendations.

The results have been fantastic! I can really taste the mosaic hops, and the beer quality has shot up massively!

All the best,

