You know you did it wrong when...

I forgot about this thread:

You know you did it wrong when you carbed a keg (kegland oxebar) and when you pour a beer, only gas comes out :mad:

The beer dip line got loose from the tapping head. I waited till the other keg got empty, cleaned and sanitised and used that tapping head.
The offending thingy is now thight thight and cable tied.

Currently enjoying my ginger wheat.
Bright side: it got a chance to "mature"
Just started chilling my lager down to ferm temp.

Ive noticed my Glycol pump lately hasn't sounded as spritely as usual.
Lucky because it actually tripped out while I was sussing it out.
Went around The back to the control pannel and this is what we discovered

Tis the Negative feed from the 12 volt power supply it's secured with them little nuts well I think it wasn't secured nice and tight things were pretty burnt thank God no flames :eek:.

I think I'm gunna buy a dedicated 12v power supply I had one but yeah I killed it one brew day ages ago when some water dripped on it:rolleyes:

This is what's powering my 12v side
I think it's struggling sometimes I've got my stir plate pluss my 240v control pannel powered from this

Fewie I think I just dodged a bullet ...


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When you prepare a recipe using the inventory I have on BF, get the mash water going, go to mill the grains and discover you do not have the grains for the recipe. I will have to fire the inventory manager! What a slacker!
:p forgot something have we:D
When you prepare a recipe using the inventory I have on BF, get the mash water going, go to mill the grains and discover you do not have the grains for the recipe. I will have to fire the inventory manager! What a slacker!
Fire them, no mercy.

One of the greatest joys of retirement is having the flexibility to go do something else.
I forgot about this thread:

You know you did it wrong when you carbed a keg (kegland oxebar) and when you pour a beer, only gas comes out :mad:

The beer dip line got loose from the tapping head. I waited till the other keg got empty, cleaned and sanitised and used that tapping head.
The offending thingy is now thight thight and cable tied.

Currently enjoying my ginger wheat.
Bright side: it got a chance to "mature"
Done that a few times, both from the elbow falling off and from me tapping the wrong disconnect. The elbow falling off one involved a fair bit of swearing and walking away and coming back 10 minutes later to step through the problem again to work out what happened.
This fermenter clearly doesn't have enough head space. I keep telling myself that peak fermentation must be done soon, so I haven't tried to add a blow off tube lol I check it morning and night and clean off the top with sanitizer and let it keep going.

I was even looking at defoamer at the LHBS before I brewed this one! But the kind they have was very specific about dosages or it'll create off flavors and turned me off from using it

It's also not helped by a slightly warm fermentation (ambient is 69-70F) and probably an overpitch of really healthy slurry.

Oh well, it has to start receding any day now right? :D


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You know you did it wrong when you get ready to assemble your airlock (3 piece) and you miss the inside part.
Obviously you must have left that in the starsan inside your fermenter and just forgot to remove it.
No worries, you got a 2nd one, you just got to remember to collect it ehen you keg/bottle and not throw it down the toilet with the trub.
All good. You remember.
And that's where it's really wrong: it ain't there!!!!
When you wake up in the morning and you smell beer....
Carbed my oxebar keg at night with about 30-35 psi. With picnic tap attached.
Seems beer disappeared via the tap :(

Still got some left but also lost a fair bit.

Normally I dont have the tap connected, but this time I did. Too keen to have some tasters
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When you eake up in the morning and you smell beer....
Carbed my oxebar keg at night with about 30-35 psi. With picnic tap attached.
Seems beer disappeared via the tap :(

Still got some left but also lost a fair bit.

Normally I dont have the tap connected, but this time I did. Too keen to have some tasters
Hard to like that one :(
When you eake up in the morning and you smell beer....
Carbed my oxebar keg at night with about 30-35 psi. With picnic tap attached.
Seems beer disappeared via the tap :(

Still got some left but also lost a fair bit.

Normally I dont have the tap connected, but this time I did. Too keen to have some tasters
Oh no way bloody picnic taps!
When you eake up in the morning and you smell beer....
Carbed my oxebar keg at night with about 30-35 psi. With picnic tap attached.
Seems beer disappeared via the tap :(

Still got some left but also lost a fair bit.

Normally I dont have the tap connected, but this time I did. Too keen to have some tasters
It's like the angels share, except faster
I've never had a picnic tap leak. But I should start disconnecting them from now on.
I think it was the fairly high pressure and the tap leaking before to prv.
The keg was still under pressure.
When you need to boil for two hours, instead of 30 minutes... somehow I was way over volume today, had to boil down from 1050 to 1060..

Had a couple of other instances of "you know you did it wrong" recently but with happier results.
A while back when shopping at the LHBS I bought a pound of Chinook, came home to realize that I had already bought a pound...
Guess what I did this week! I bought a pound of Citra only to come and realize that I had already bought a pound!
Two happy accidents!
