What's your next brew

Show of hands, who has had an infected batch? In two years I have had a couple, it happens to the best of us.
My only one was an attempt at strawberry hefeweizen. I introduced the bacteria with the strawberries.
Dark wheat would not give a sourdough taste - that's lactic acid. Possible sources are water treatment or malt - malt is covered with more lactobacillus strains than we have identified!
I will look back at my water treatment for these beers... I have thought about lactobacillus and it possibly being on the Dark Wheat Malt itself as it is used very sparingly in one other recipe and very heavy in this recipe. The other recipe I use it in never has this taste - usage is under 5% though...
Looks good Ben, question for you on the cold steeped coffee. My next brew is a coffee porter. Could you describe how you steep the coffee?
Mate I think I'm just going to add this ground to fermentor with the cacao nibs.
Maybe I'll add some to end of boil and some to fermentor after primary like a dry hop.
My last crack at this was a few years back I remember there was a good coffee thing going on and I just added it to fermentor on that run.
Might Nock some heat off the boil at end and steep it whirlpool style I don't want to burn the coffee I'll add it ground I think.
You've got me thinking now Ben.
You've got me thinking now Ben.
Yeah I think I'm going to whirlpool like 30g ground coffee and maybe 40g of cocoa nibs I'll grind that crap out of the first and let them stand for 20min then send it into fermentor.
I'll taste when done and let you know what I think. It's boiling atm smells nice and roasty chocolate on track I think.
Show of hands, who has had an infected batch? In two years I have had a couple, it happens to the best of us.
:) Yep. Used the same sample device on sour and clean beers and had a sour oatmeal stout (that went down the drain not long after).
Sure I've had a batch or two I think my problem was dirty transfers I think my tap was the culprit. Since running with the bubble style fermentor no tap I've had ziltch infections touch wood ! Let's hop I don't jinx myself.
I'm sure other dumpers have been dodgy starters that I pitched that smelt a bit funny but pitched anyhow. I taste all my supernatant now I want to taste that bland flat beer taste but No sourness or biting throut thing.

On the coffee brew @Craigerrr it's tasting more chocolaty roasty touch of burnt type thing than coffee going into fermentor the flavour is good.

I'll taste gravity sample before adding anything else amazing how some fermentation really brings a beer into perspective i recon.
No chocolate in my coffee porter, except 3% chocolate malt. I think I will cold steep some fresh ground espresso roast in fridge overnight to add when kegging.
Next up is an interesting recipe I found. A light color APA with 2-row pale and C-20, bittered with Warrior, followed with Cascade and Crystal for late additions. Expected OG of 1.053 and about 41 IBUs. Fermented with MJ Liberty Bell slurry. Calculated to weigh in at about 5.3% ABV. I've got 3 beers on tap at the moment and one that I'll be kegging mid week. Probably be the end of the week before brewing this. Nice to have the pipeline dictating when to brew next.
Next up is an interesting recipe I found. A light color APA with 2-row pale and C-20, bittered with Warrior, followed with Cascade and Crystal for late additions. Expected OG of 1.053 and about 41 IBUs. Fermented with MJ Liberty Bell slurry. Calculated to weigh in at about 5.3% ABV. I've got 3 beers on tap at the moment and one that I'll be kegging mid week. Probably be the end of the week before brewing this. Nice to have the pipeline dictating when to brew next.
Been wanting to do that beer for some time since I grow both Cascade and Crystal hops. Let us know what you think of it.
Brewing Crisp and Nutty - Grist is from a Randy Mosher book. He gave plenty of hop options. I decided to do something different from what I usually do (hop wise) and used American hops - Mosaic... Here's the recipe:


Hit all the numbers just right. Hoping this works out!

Edit: The book is "Mastering Homebrew" - and yes, he gave several ideas for beer recipes for beginners and I loved the way he pitched the idea (wish I could post a photo) but it is page 116-117... He seriously calls for 1 pound of honey malt (which ended up being roughly 10% of the grist).... I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out... (Originally I had tweaked the recipe to something a bit different but then changed my mind and decided to brew as he suggested...)
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My next brew is similar to a Brewdog recipe called 77 Lager, this is my take, it should be very good
Looks tasty Ozarks look forward to seeing it in the glass. Gee that little speal at the bottom sure hypes it up sounds fantastic.

My next brew I'm thinking of brewing a dark porter style beer again and use a bigass wad of them Aniseed myrtle leaves In it for a hopefully liquorice type thing it'll either be a colossal fail or amazing is what I'm thinking
I think I will be attempting a Honey Porter for my father next. I did this once in my early brewing days via extract and steeping grains - the result was mediocre at best... I've improved a few things since then so hopefully this will be better. I haven't made a porter since switching to all-grain. It's been over 4 years since my last porter. I think the time has come to give it a shot!
