What's your next brew

My son is turning 21 in 2 weeks so I asked him what kind of beer would he like me to brew for his birthday.

"Chocolate Oatmeal Stout".

Plant a potato, get a potato.
Use Yoopers oatmeal stout recipe and add some nibs. You would have to try real hard to wreck that recipe. Had some good friends over and couldn't keep them out of it! Finished off the last keg:(.
this is my next brew, almost like the last but better


  • Ozarks Pale Ale_05.08.2020.pdf
    106.1 KB · Views: 135
Looks real interesting, have brewed this before?
Have brewed Scottish Ales before but this is a leftover grain thing sort of. I like to bring out carmel/ crystal flavor along with a darker malt presence. This recipe has to much roast barley for style but we like a stronger roast. The wort tastes very clean so have hopes for not to much burnt flavor.
My son is turning 21 in 2 weeks so I asked him what kind of beer would he like me to brew for his birthday.

"Chocolate Oatmeal Stout".

Plant a potato, get a potato.
I have only ever brewed 1 stout and it was a "Chocolate Oatmeal Stout".
Fastest keg that ever kicked! - just me and my brother too mind you. He must have really liked it because he would make random 20 minute drives out to my house to get some! lol
I have no idea why I have yet to brew it again! Last time I did it was in 2016! Maybe for his birthday this year in August I'll tackle it again. :)
My next brew was supposed to be this morning.... I will admit I am nervous. One of my all time favorite beer styles is Hefeweizen (technically Dunkleweiss) but the last 6 batches or so have been disasters. I continually get most of the right flavors - touch of banana mostly clove and some figs - however, each of the last 6 batches has had a slight tartness at the end that I can best describe as "sourdough bread" not "bad" but not what I want! I have tried different yeasts, different procedures, different base malts, etc. The only thing I haven't changed is that the 50-60% wheat malt I have been using is "Wyermann Dark Wheat Malt"... I can only assume it is that. For a while I thought it was oxygen that was giving me the sourdough taste but I use the same procedure for racking as I do ever other beer and I only get it in this beer so it must be the dark wheat.

Anyway, this recipe will be back to "american white wheat" which I used in my first 3-4 batches with great success. I will also be using WLP300 again which I think is my favorite hefe yeast.

If this doesn't work then I have decided I will only buy commercial hefe/dunkel weiss and simply brew all other beers myself. Every other beer I make comes out pretty solid ( I tend to make better lagers than ales admittedly) - this hefe though just continues to escape me!
I’ve Brewed hefe a couple time and definitely is a spring/summer fav now ... I question the source of the sourdough taste but could see it coming from the dark wheat. might suggest changing from dark wheat to weyermann pale wheat .. I’ve have super good results in the hefe I’ve brewed with that malt. Then if that takes your srm to light for dunkel addin some dehulled midnight wheat for color
Dark wheat would not give a sourdough taste - that's lactic acid. Possible sources are water treatment or malt - malt is covered with more lactobacillus strains than we have identified!
Show of hands, who has had an infected batch? In two years I have had a couple, it happens to the best of us.
Looks good Ben, question for you on the cold steeped coffee. My next brew is a coffee porter. Could you describe how you steep the coffee?
