What's your next brew

Crazy busy brew day coming up. Probably going to have to do the bottling the night before then brew the following day.

Bottling an irish red. Picture is of the gravity reading I took Friday. Cold crashing it currently, will bottle Wednesday night:https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/791082/dirty-inks

10 Gallon Batch of international amber lager, calling it "God's Country":

5 gallon Citra BOMB we're calling "Boondocks IPA". Whole pound of hops going into that baby...
Brewing a pale ale Friday. 9.25lbs. 2-row and 1.5lbs.Belgian Munich, Centennial for 14 IBUs @ 60, 42 grams of Cascade @ 10 and the same @ 1. Mangrove Jack's M44 slurry. Looking for OG 1.050, 40 IBUs and 5.5%ABV. This will be a 5.25 gallon MIAB no sparge.
Gotta brew that Why Ella beer next I've not taken my mind of it just had some lagers to do first lets just say they need some conditioning well first one does;);) the mangrove jack bohemian lager yeast is a temperamental one not like trusty 34/70 that can take some of my brew laziness.

But @thunderwagn you know what I've been a museling and a thinking as a Brewer is want to do when he/she lets its mind wander and yep I'm formulating a crazy brew coming up with a turmeric/ginger/chilly beer!:p:D All these things I grow in abundance in my garden here and we'll I've been imaginarily tasting things over in my mind and I think I may just be able to get a drinkable version fermenting soon ish...

I'm thinking an all base grain grist maybe 60-30 pale/wheat mash mid to high ferment with current 007 ale yeast and do one chilly turmeric ginger addition just before flame out then a dry hop pasturisation addition just before end of fermentation. Quantitys ? Who knows at this stage
@Trialben the color was a fairly intense orangish yellow. I'll see if I have a photo. It was a very nice combination of two pretty intense flavors. I look forward to your results! Should have some nice benefits with the tumeric and ginger!
Gonna try a 3.5% leichtbier and see if I can get something tasty for the summer.
@Trialben the color was a fairly intense orangish yellow. I'll see if I have a photo. It was a very nice combination of two pretty intense flavors. I look forward to your results! Should have some nice benefits with the tumeric and ginger!
What about the chilly too overboard you recon? Hey what about limes I've got them growing too o know from memory some of my first ginger beers included 1 or 2 lemons in them. Maybe too much all at once. Maybe I should stick to my Kiss ruleo_O.
Maerzen. Ready to drink in September.
I'm going to brew something similar to the Mirror pond I had the other day, first attempt will be this


  • Mirror Pond Pale Ale.pdf
    105.2 KB · Views: 170
Well I ended up higher gravity than anticipated but overall the beer finished out ok at flame out. Going to use a kolsch yeast for this and see where it goes. Looks like it will end up around 4% instead of 3.5.
What about the chilly too overboard you recon? Hey what about limes I've got them growing too o know from memory some of my first ginger beers included 1 or 2 lemons in them. Maybe too much all at once. Maybe I should stick to my Kiss ruleo_O.
Here's a photo. The bright one in the middle is the turmeric and ginger. All these beers are naturally colored. It was a very cool tasting actually.
Here's a photo. The bright one in the middle is the turmeric and ginger. All these beers are naturally colored. It was a very cool tasting actually.
View attachment 5598
Oh yeah bright indeed sorta what you'd expect from a good turmeric addition if I can get somewhere in that colour range I'll be a happy brewer. Looking at that it looks a pretty clean grist but maybe the turmeric is a head retention killer.
Well I ended up higher gravity than anticipated but overall the beer finished out ok at flame out. Going to use a kolsch yeast for this and see where it goes. Looks like it will end up around 4% instead of 3.5.
It's a fine art them low gravity beers getting a good body is a real test but I love the light grain bag.
In my last post on this thread I was debating whether to brew Larry NEIPA, or Cragunitas. Well, I brewed one and then the other!
Enjoying the NEIPA, and getting close to packaging the Cragunitas.

For my next trick....
I found a clone recipe of Old Nation Brewing's M-43 NEIPA, it is named after a Michigan State Highway.
The recipe was on Michigan Brew Supply's website, authored by "bruzewski", here it is copied into BF:
The only change I made to the recipe was to swap out a half pound of pilsen for acidulated malt.
I have had this beer, it is quite possibly the best NEIPA I have had to date.

