Yeah, we do make sun tea, too, but tea isn't the smartest thing to drink when the temperature and humidity are both 95. Tea is a diuretic, and can quickly cause dehydration. When I'm working outside these days, I tend to drink LARGE quantities of water. I have to.
I developed asthma sometime in my 50's after a severe respiratory infection and pneumonia. I only have a few triggers, but getting slightly dehydrated is one of them. It escalates VERY quickly if I don't get some cold water in me and drop my core temperature before I get a full on attack. Rarely do I ever have an attack in winter, especially if I'm outside. So, temperature is likely a factor as well, but I don't think heat has ever triggered an attack. It certainly makes one worse, though.
So, big jugs of cold water are always close when I'm working outside, with an inhaler if I don't stop coughing quick. I love tea, but not quite as sweet as what is considered 'Southern' tea. I've NEVER had a drop of kombucha in my life. No clue what it even tastes like nor why I would drink it.