What are you drinking right now?

Enjoying a pint of my first attempt at a hopped cider (from Mangrove Jack's 'Hopped Apple' kit). Whacked a litre of aldi pure apple juice in which has really helped give it an over the top tang. ABV: 5.5 %, bottled early December. It is basically a sweet cider so overall taste is bittersweet. Hops are Citra which I have only previously had in Ghost Ship IPA (Adnams). Again liking the experience though. This is already quite well matured 'together'. Maybe not so much a winter drink (just nicely seen off a double fall of snow) as it is very refreshing in a citrussy way but gonna try mulling some one evening and see how it comes out.

Still no photos. Looks like I might have rescued my cheapo camera though. Seems to be working again after leaving the batteries out a couple of months - just too dark here at the minute to be worth fiddling about but fingers crossed on that front.
Schwarzbier and darts again.
Today I did have time to do some some fiddling about just before the sun went down:
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My hopped apple cider at six weeks, calling it: 'Hoppy Medium'. This was from a 2Litre bottle. I inverted it for the next pour which has added a subtle sourness. One to repeat.
Sampling my third all-grain (BIAB) beer ever: an old school WC IPA, ~7.25 ABV, double dry hopped with Simcoe, Chinook, Mosaic, and Amarillo. It is pretty tasty and definitely the best beer I have made so far. I think I dry hopped it for way too long (like 2 weeks), so the nose isn't quite as punchy as it could be, but there is a nice, clean, and somewhat bracing bitterness on the palette from the Magnum hops. It was my first time using Magnum, and I can see why they are a favorite--I'll probably use them to bitter most of my beers now.

Like I said, my intentions here were an old school WC IPA, but I kept the crystal to about 5% total (40 and 60) and used 10% light Munich along with about 5% flaked oats for some mouthfeel and head retention. As of right now, it is tasting pretty well balanced with a fluffy head and silky mouthfeel, I imagine from the oats. Not sure if the silkiness is to style, but I enjoy it.

Now that I have a nice basic IPA to make, I'm going to try to refine this beer some and see if I can add or delete any ingredients. Cheers, everyone! I appreciate all of the advice since I've been posting on here.


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Felt like stocking up on English/Irish beer. Sad to see so few independent UK breweries still around. Ill take what I can get, time to decide on what to enjoy later tonight.
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Had all those but the lager. Love each of them. The Wexford if I remember was more of a smooth pub style ale? Wigget like Guinness.
A buddy stopped by Hofbrauhaus in Newport KY and got me a Schwarzbier and the Original. I wanted to see how mine compared. Definitely same vein. Theirs is more bitter and higher abv. Little more roast too. Made in Newport, not sure if they brew it in Munich as well.
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Went out and got some of my favorite commercial stuff. (there isnt a huge great selection nearby)

anyway, a nice samuel adams cold snap white ale. honestly though i had it last year and it tasted better. dont know but it was a bit off and little over lemon peeled. was crisper, and cleaner last year. maybe transport jumbled too much CO2 to make it taste a little off, i heard it can do that. owell still okay-ish.
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Finishing off my Tartan Light, ABV: 3.5% at three months adapted from Muntons' Geordie range SCOTTISH EXPORT extract kit. Been brewing this kit for around 40 years, never fails so I shouldn't have mucked about wi' it. Does have a nice aftertaste but overall quality wise this effort is not a success. The lightness of it went well with my Burns Supper last night - honestly I can remember. Wee timorous shimmering beastie...
