What are you drinking right now?

My wife and I are visiting the wine country that is literally just over the hill from home. While she enjoys Brut Riesling (sparkling wine done in Methode Champenoise), I am sipping 2021 Estate Pinot Noir.
Well beer on the left czech pilsner with Weyerman pilsner malt beer on the right is Weyerman Floor Malted pilsner. The right beer not as clear but hasn't lagered as long. Color is the same, lacing is the same and I can't taste a difference.
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Well now that they have both lagered for a month. They are still close but not sure why or what but the floor malted has the edge. I'll keep tasting
MyDSC21-185(a) Hoppy Medium.jpg

This was lunch time. Hopped Apple Cider with some cream cheese and jalepenos on Rye crackers. The hops are almost faded now.

MyDSC21-185(b) XO Fr Brandy.jpg

Aldi beer may be a little hit and miss but so far their spirits are all excellent. This is a seriously good 5 year old French Brandy.
